Not content with running 14 days in a row or being smug about getting to run in West Cork every day Diarmuid Ó Súilleabháin has just completed 365 days of running in a row. That’s him in the middle. Spot the other Cork people.
At this time last year when restrictions were entering our lives and it was becoming apparent that we wouldn’t be able to train or race the way we had been used to, I’d the bright idea to run each day of lockdown to give myself a running goal to work towards until things got back to normal in a few weeks. Little did we know at the time that the breaks would be applied for quite so long. Hopefully not too much more.
I was worried that it would be hard to get used to running every day with no rest but the body got used to it a lot faster than I thought. I’ve also been lucky that I haven’t been injured or sick in the last year.
During the lockdown I found myself living in West Cork all the time. Although I missed the fun and comradery of accompanied running, with time I was able to enjoy the solitary runs in great scenery and wildlife while watching the seasons change. Highlights had to be seeing dolphins and the native Irish lizard recently.
I now find myself having run every day for a little over a year. A total of over 4,000km and many pairs of runners later. It’s much more than I’ve run on any other year previously (and probably any year to come).
Now, do I tell non-runners about this, hell no, they would have me locked up, or would I have started this if I thought it would last so long, no again, but given I’m this far I’ll try and keep going until the end of these lockdowns?
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