Sportsworld Running Club and sponsors Lisney, Mitsubishi Ireland: Bill Sheehan & Sons, South Dublin Vets, Thorntons Recycling, The Bretzel Bakery and Kearney & MacNally Opticians are delighted to donate €6000 to the charity Inner City Helping Homeless (ICHH) after this years SOLD OUT Terenure 5 Mile event!
Whats more generous Terenure 5 runners donated a further €1432 when registering AND the winning Sportsworld Ladies Team donated their €200 prize money bringing the grand total to:
Many thanks to our 2019 Sponsors for all their support for this years race!

More information on this years charity:
Inner City Helping Homeless are an outreach Charity that engages with roughly 175 rough sleepers every night of the week in Dublin City Centre and the wider surrounding areas.

Our day begins with the office opening at 10am until 10pm Monday to Friday and through the day we have case work appointments for families and individuals looking for help and advice regarding being homeless.
We also provide fresh cooked meals to families and individuals in emergency accommodation and they can book a time in our family room to come in and eat their meals. We offer clothing and tea, coffee, food parcels to anyone that needs them. These are all part of the ever changing umbrella of homelessness.

Our outreach teams are put into 4 walking teams nightly Monday to Friday, tow on the Northside of the Liffey and two on the Southside of the Liffey and we also have a mobile unit that covers from Howth to Ranelagh, Rathmines, Kiliney or any where we have rough sleepers in parks, lane ways or church car parks.
On Saturday and Sunday nights we only have the mobile unit out and this covers the four walking routes and its own route which can have the volunteers out for up to 7 hours from roughly 10pm until 5am.The walking teams are out from 11pm until about 1am. The teams bring out tea, coffee, chocolate, fresh sandwiches and sleeping bags and fresh clothes along with hygiene packs to all of the rough sleepers we engage with.
The most important thing we bring is company and give them an identity, even if it is only for a few minutes… this is priceless.
The greatest thing about ICHH is that we are all volunteers except one paid admin staff member, who is on a very low wage and we had no choice this year but to do this as every one else is volunteers including the CEO, Management Team and Board of Directors. Some management and our CEO Anthony Flynn put in up to 60 hours a week voluntary and no expenses whatsoever are paid to anybody.
We have 220 volunteers and they range from 18 to 80 and all bring something totally different to the group and that is how we work so well. I always think of us like a cake with so many different ingredients but it is amazing and the best ever. We all love what we do and work so well together. We even won the European Citizens Award 2018, which was a great stamp of approval for us as we like to think we are doing our best and this award gave us a great boost.
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