Hey everyone, as many of ye will know the VHI Ladies Mini Marathon is just around the corner. It’s taking place on the June bank holiday as usual, moved to the Sunday this year (give us all time to recover…ahem from the running.)
Myself, my Mam and 2 sisters have been taking part in this event for the past 7 years, raising money for many different charities and having fun along the way. This year is the first time that we are doing it to raise awareness and hopefully some funds for my little sister Martha’s’ syndrome Prader Willi Syndrome. I’m sure after last year’s Terenure 5mile Race+ Sportsworlds very kind donation to PWSAI that most of you already have a better understanding of how difficult life can be for a person with PWS and their family members. Martha is an amazing young lady and we are so proud of everything she does and the person she is, so this year the Mini Marathon for us is all about Martha. For Martha to even complete a 10km course is a massive achievement in itself for a person with PWS. Along with us Jones ladies, parents, family members, and friends of PWS kids, I’ve roped in Naoise, Sinead, Margaret and Kate to sport the PWSAI logo for the day (if you are out watching the race you’ll spot us in blue singlets instead of our usual red+white). PWSAI is a non-government funded charity and is run completely by parents of PWS kids and volunteers so we rely greatly on kind donations. If anyone would like to sponsor us in any small way you can find our group fundraising page here https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/11368392_mini-marathon-for-pwsai.html. Thankyou kindly.
You can learn more about Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) below or by liking the PWSAI Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PraderWilliSyndrome/.
PWS is a complex genetic disorder that typically causes low muscle tone, restricted growth, learning difficulties, problem behaviours, and a chronic feeling of hunger that can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity. PWS is also associated with an increased risk for numerous other medical and comorbid psychiatric problems including scoliosis, hip dysplasia, seizures, gastrointestinal and skin problems, depression, anxiety and psychosis. Approximately 100 people in Ireland are living with PWS.
The Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland (PWSAI) is an organisation founded by parents in the late 1980s as a support group for individuals with PWS and their families in Ireland. Our mission is to raise awareness and understanding of PWS and to improve the choice and quality of care, education and support for persons living with PWS. For more information please visit www.pwsai.ie.
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