Report by Maria Jones
Race photos by Will Greensmyth
Saturday morning had arrived. Frank Duffy was the name on every Sportsworld runners mind heading to the Phoneix Park. 10am was the start time.
Having never ran a race longer than 10km before, and with a few niggles over the past few weeks keeping me from doing any decent training I was just looking forward to taking part and getting my first 10mile race under my belt.
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Naoise kindly colected me en-route to the park. Execeutive decision was made…the race would be long enough…no warm up was nessecary. A trip to the portaloos…a few strides and we were good to go.
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We made our way to the start area where we met the rest of the Sportsworld crew. All chats about the good racing conditions , the route ahead of us, warning of hills, hopes for good times etc.
At 10am on the dot 46 Sportsworld athletes headed off with over 5000 other hopeful competitors around the Park.
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At first I thought this is grand,nice and easy pace,I can do this for 16km. 6km later I was like how am I going to run for another 10km. The temperatures were high. Every water station was a welcome. I could see Naoise, Noel and Adrian all nearby which encouraged me along.
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Poor Naoise had to stop up with a stitch and still managed to finish strong flying past me with 3km to go heading into the the dreaded hill home that we all flew down in the other direction at the start of the race. Now crawling up it was torture. We were nearly there. The home straight was long but flat. The finished line appeared in the distance. One last push and it was done.
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We all gathered just past the finish area for the post mortoms to begin. Nobody seemed overly happy with their run. Complaints of the heat and the hills. Comments that the “rock+roll” half 2 weeks ago was much nicer.This made me feel better about my performance. Everyone was definitely happy to have their 10mile over with.
But all in all there was still some great performances from the club.
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Phil Kilgannon was first home in 32nd potion in 59.07,Kevin was in next also just under the hour..followed by Michael+Conor just barely outside the 60 minute mark.
First home for the girls in flying form was Aoife O’Learly coming in 8th with a time of 1.06.01. Hot on her heels were Ruth+Catherine both under 1.07. Naoise had a PB in 1.111.29, and that was after her pit stop.

Todays race was also the official Dublin 10mile Championship. We had lots of success in this section:
The 4 girls made up the ladies team who won gold well ahead of the rest of the field. Aoife O’leary was 3rd Senior Dublin lady home. Ruth and Catherine were 1st and 2nd in their age category., Eileen Rowland was 2nd in hers and Caroline Lynch 3rd in hers.
In the Dublin section for the men our Over 35 team got Bronze with Phil, Michael and Martin scoring. Martins first Dublin medal.
Our Over 50s team got silver with Anthony, Jim and Noel. Also great to see Noel back in flying form .
Individually Anthony was 3rd Dublin man home in his section, with Trevor winning his age Category.
Great going everyone.

Brunch was organised nearby where I’m told Michael Cunnigham demanded the “scrummy scrambled eggs” from the kiddies menu (quote Eoin)!
I had to rush away but not before I got tricked into writing the race report…Thanks Martin!! I reckon Martin would do a great job writing up this years Dublin Marathon report…get on it Eoin!!!
I managed to catch up with a good few of the group later in the night in a well known establishment in town where none other than Ray Carpenter was giving free Jiving lessons…I’ll say no more…fun was had!!

Also a big shout out to Anna and Will who popped up several times along the course with shouts of encouragement!! And to Emmet who had to pull up mid race with a Calf strain..hope your back in flying form soon Emmet!!
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Overall Results!!
32nd Phil Kilgannon 00:59:07
43rd Kevin Curran 00:59:51
57th Conor McCarthy 01:00:22
60 Michael Cunningham 01:00:16
122 Martin Doyle 01:03:40
124 Diarmuid O’Suilleabhain 01:03:54
140 Paul O’Connell 01:04:24
192 Aoife O’Leary 01:06:01 8th Female
200 Damien Geraghty 01:06:11
211 Ruth Kelly 01:06:29 10th Female
214 Catherine Bambrick 01:06:38 11th Female
237 Anthony Gillen 01:07:11
246 Dermot Sullivan 01:07:30
307 Jose Chapa 01:08:46
329 Jim Browne 01:09:18
351 Noel Tobin 01:09:41
441 Adrian Lanigan 01:11:10
462 Naoise Waldron 01:11:29 PB
492 Maria Jones 01:12:03 PB
506 Johnny Dwyer 01:12:16
542 Paul Hamilton 01:12:50
550 Liam Lenehan 01:12:55
587 Peter Knaggs 01:13:40
604 Mark Heffernan 01:13:10
605 John Flaherty 01:13:50
697 Aine Kelly 01:14:25
704 Neil Purdy 01:15:21
726 Declan Brady 01:16:04
890 Anne Dalton 01:17:51
993 Gemma White 01:19:22 PB
985 Ray Carpenter 01:19:36
1066 Eileen Rowland 01:20:29
1130 Derrick Long 01:20:27
1175 Noel Lynam 01:21:49
1332 Eoin O’Brien 01:23:22
1549 Sandra Kelly 01:26:29
1656 Grainne Lynch 01:24:20
1662 Trevor Lloyd 01:27:39
1671 Claire Rowley 01:26:31
1709 Catherine Gilmore 01:24:43
1957 Anne-Maria Scanlon 01:27:41
1960 Rosie Mulhern 01:29:44
1962 Anne Belton 01:27:45
2445 Jim Manning 01:33:28
2599 Phil Daly 01:38:32
3453 Caoimhe Donegan 01:44:02
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