Sun-cream, shades, shorts and sun
Queues, porta-loos, the crowds, the fun
It’s June Bank Holiday
It can mean only one thing
The VHI Women’s Mini Marathon
It’s in full swing!

The red and white Sportsworld ladies were out in force on Sunday June 2nd to take part in the 41st Women’s Mini Marathon. It’s an event that is coloured purple with enthusiasm, significant meaning, inspiration and all round good feelings. The runners, joggers and walkers, ranging in age from 15 to 93, took to the city streets to spread the joy on Sunday afternoon.

Our own Lisa Madden set off in thunderous speed and broke Sportsworld club records to finish 5th in the race with a time of 35.27. Incredible Lisa! Caoimhe Daniels, even with carrying an injury, managed to finish in the top twenty with a time of 39:05. Congratulations Caoimhe! It is wonderful to witness the sheer strength, fitness and speed of the elite runners at events like the mini marathon. It does not come easy. Hours of training, discipline and perseverance leads to phenomenal performances on race day. It is also wonderful to see a lot of our new members going from strength to strength in both training and races. Megan Walls, Veronica, Michelle, Kate and Claire Burke, Shauna O’Callaghan, Regina and Maeve Coppinger, Monica Redondo, Emily Rossler, Caroline O’Brien and Amy O’Neill all represented the club so well at this race and achieved many’s a PB too! Lucy Darcy, athlete extraordinaire, ran her 30+ mini marathon on Sunday last! And enjoyed every minute of it!

The club mark this annual running event with a special award ceremony for club members who participated in the race. Medals were awarded to athletes who placed 1st (Lisa Madden), 2nd (Caoimhe Daniels) and 3rd (Lorna Quinn) for the club in the mini-marathon and medals were also awarded to athletes who placed in their age category. Winners included Darina Hynes, Kimberley Kennedy, Anna Carrigan, Anne Sweeney, Sibeal Waldron and Regina Coppinger. Well done!

Thank you to Emily for the encouragement to take part and for making club runners feel the support and recognition from the club. Ever since the race began in 1983, the mini marathon will always have a special place on the Sportsworld calendar. (Read more about its significance to the club here:

Thank you for all the support along the route! Those cheers (and bottles of water!) make ALL the difference!

Medals, jellies, relief and smiles
Hugs and photos, all after the six miles!
Toners for some, home for others
The post-race feeling, it joyfully smothers!
Another year over, the mini complete
Nothing to do now, but rest our dear feet!