Everything is nearly wrapped up from this years Sportsworld Terenure 5 mile. We still have the accounts to finish and the charity cheque donation to make but the main work is done. The race organisation, as people on the race committee know, starts around 6 months ago. The race charity selection is normally one of the first jobs, this year there was an easy choice with Anne Sweeney putting forward the Irish Kidney Association with her Grand Daughter getting a kidney transplant and back up support from the IKA recently.

Last year was the first race back since covid and a lot had changed in terms of getting permission for race, traffic management and race costs. Mark Heffernan (South Dublin Vets) very generously came forward this year as the race main sponsor which gave us the security of knowing we could put the race on and cover the costs.

Things flew by pretty quick and all of a sudden we were at race weekend with people coming to the clubhouse to collect their numbers and t shirts. We had a huge amount of help at the weekend giving out the numbers, talking to potential new club members and unfortunately breaking some kids hearts as the junior races sold out this year and we had to close entries.

We knew at the Saturday morning training session it was going to be hot, very hot on race day. Even at 9.30am it was over 20 degrees. First up was the 3 junior races with Sandra Armstrong, Paul Duffy, Lisa Madden and Caoimhe Daniels doing a brilliant job entertaining, controlling, encouraging a large exited group of kids before the start. The junior race seems to get bigger every year and there is nothing like getting your first medal.

On to the main race and Eoin O Brien did a brilliant job getting the finish area and start area set up for 1500 runners and a small crowd. Despite some one deciding to park and leave their car exactly on the finish line things went smoothly and Bronwyn and Maria sorted the car out after the race.

Anthony Gillen working with the traffic management company, the Gardai and the 10 head stewards ensured all the junctions and course was safe.

1350 finshers crossed the line and nearly 200 juniors and each one got an amazing goodie bag supplied, packed and boxed by a very generous Carmel Breen.

We had some amazing companies sponsoring the race giving face painting, rubbish pickup and lead car thanks to Jim Browne and Liam Lenehan.

AnnMarie Clyne did a brilliant job as MC at the start line and awards ceremony.

Michael O Grady kindly gave his time to help any injured or sore runners through out the race morning.

We had Nessa fill in for Laurence Cunningham in the school hall for all the teas and coffee and now wants to do it every year.

Cormac Garvey provided and set up the PA’s systems for free for the race and awards

Bronwyn did all the graphic designs for the race.

Elaine Kennedy, Eoin and Gareth did all the social media work for the race and chasing elite runners.

Delourdes Seymour and Ruth Kelly again came forward to go on the race committee to help with all the planning.

I am sure there are loads of people I am forgetting but the point is there is a huge amount of people needed to put the race on each year. The benefits of the race are we can help local charities, get new club members and put on a high standard club race. So if you enjoyed the race and you would like to get involved with it there is always room on the Sportsworld Terenure 5 mile race committee.