Report and Photos by Ronan Murray
On Thursday I convinced Shay Brady to run with me on Saturday for a great cause ( ) Basically this guy is running 40miles per day for 60 straight days in aid of Autism and was going to be in the phoenix pk most of Saturday.

He was due in the pk at 11am with some miles done , so we went to the pk early and did a few warm up miles first and then when he arrived we all set off together. The route was the 2.7km loop at the magazine and we changed direction every 3 laps.
We started off with about 20 people but after a few laps we were down to 6 , then 5 , then just Stevey , Shay and myself. At that stage it was extremely hot as we approached marathon distance and our aches & pains were coming fast. We had run with thus guy for a couple of hours at 9 min pace and he then informs us that he likes to up the pace in the last few miles.

At that stage Shay let us off as he didn’t want to change pace , we went from 9 min to 8.10 min down to 7.30 pace around the top of the magazine. I was dying on my feet but didn’t want to loose him. Finally we were in his last mile and we regrouped with Shay some of his other supporters to cross the line.
My watch had stopped earlier so I had to do some calculating and estimating but we decided that Shay had done almost 33 miles and I had done 35 miles ( longest ever run ) we were both exhausted but thrilled to be there to support a great cause and of course you can’t forget that sportsworld assisted Stevey in setting a new world record. I had an amazing time and to make thing better I’m if to spain for a few weeks to recover. See you in August.

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