As I forgot my Sportsworld singlet I have been delegated to write this race report!
Last Sunday was the 40th running of the Ronde Ceretaine, a 10km and 21km hilly run that we have done for about the last 12 years. This year it was the 10km for myself and Judith. God be with the days when we just turned up and did the 21km without thinking.
Starting at the rugby grounds with the usual brass band etc the course took us downhill before coming back up to the centre past all the cafes with the locals having their Sunday morning noisettes. The next 5km were gently undulating before turning sharp left up a stoney goat track. I am not a mountain goat. Pretty soon runners started walking.Then the track got so narrow and steep that a jam formed. There went my PB! It was worse than the M50. In true Eoin fashion I took the opportunity to take a photo of the village.

Eventually we got going again and after more walking/jogging reached the top. From there it was 1km downhill on a wide stoney track. For me, if there is one thing worse than running up hill , its running downhill especially with the chance of tripping. Those that were a little younger simply bounded past , much to my annoyance. Across the famous pont Diable, then down to the level of the river before a final climb back up to the village centre (more walking!) where one can do a mini sprint finish past the cafes to shouts of ‘allez allez’. I had hardly had my first sip of coke before Judith arrived.
If there is one advantage in getting old its that its easier to get 1st. or 2nd in your age catagory!!!.
3 things I took from the race:
Don’t wear new runners for the first time in a race.
If its going to be hot and sunny don’t put sun cream on your forhead without a sweat band. It ends up in your eyes.
And if you are going to do a race with hills do some hill training beforehand!!
A bientot,

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