Full Name: Paul Quinlan

When did you join Sportsworld? I initially joined in January 2022, but I got a serious ankle injury in March 2022 which put me out of action for a long time. I eventually came back in July 2023 as I kept putting it off to go back. I haven’t look back since.

Where do you work? Greenman Investments as the Head of Risk.

What is your favourite club session?  I really enjoy the sharp and fast sessions, especially in the wintertime. I enjoy the 8 by 600 metres down Tesco and the Bank lap.

What is your favourite race distance? I enjoy 10k races the most. I feel l can give it my all knowing the distance is a bit shorter than a half marathon.

What is your favourite meal before a big race? I try to eat light the day of the race. I have a banana and some porridge and some sort of protein bar.

My Favourite place to train I really enjoy the Bushy Park sessions in the summer. I love a good long run on the Waterford Greenway also. It is nice and flat and lovely views along the way.

What’s your favourite race?  I really enjoy the Dublin Half Marathon every year in Phoenix Park. I also enjoy doing challenging half marathons such as the Connemarathon and the Achill Half Marathon.

What is your target for the next year? I am currently injured which has been frustrating the last 3 months. My goal once my knee heals is to run a marathon in my hometown of Waterford. I call it my “comeback” run :)!! I also want to get my 5k time down to 17 minutes. Another aim is to do a 3 hour marathon! Lets see what 2025 brings.

What international events have you ran? I have ran in the Auckland Half Marathon and Madrid Half Marathon. I want to go abroad and do more races. My dream is to do the Berlin Marathon and somewhere extreme like Finland!

Where’s the most interesting place you have run? I really enjoyed running in New Zealand. I did a lot of trail runs and really enjoy running seeing all the amazing scenery. I love running in rural Ireland too. It is nice and peaceful and away from the Dublin noise and traffic. Notable areas include west cork, Donegal and Kerry!

Where’s the most interesting place you’ve been? (Doesn’t have to be running related).   Vietnam. It is a class country. Very untouched! Highly recommend travelling there.

What do you like doing when you don’t run? (hobbies/past times) I enjoy watching Football (avid Manchester united fan)! I also like travelling frequently to random places, going for cold sea dips and spending time with my partner, friends and family. I love a good music gig. Glastonbury 2027 for my 40th is on the cards!

How/When did you start your adventure with running?  I started running properly in 2010. I used to play football at a good level but with the demands of work etc I did not have the commitment for the training anymore. My cousin Frank asked me to do a 5-mile race in Waterford in 2010 and I have been hooked ever since.

Tell us about your PB’s / What is your biggest achievement?

I did the Dublin Marathon in 2017 in a time of 3.30. My fastest Half Marathon is 1:28 and fastest 5k is 18.36. My fastest 10k is 38 minutes. In my younger days that is!

What is your biggest non-running related achievement?

I think playing for Waterford in soccer at the age of 10 to 22 was something I always look back on proudly. I also captained the side to a Munster title and won a good few medals over the years which sits proudly on my wall in my house. I also played for Ireland under 16 earning one cap!

How often do you run / What is your typical weekly mileage?

I usually run about 4 days a week average about 25 miles. I need to up my mileage if I am being honest!! From looking at strava and the people I follow from sportsworld I need to up my game.

What motivates you? Running or otherwise.

I think having a goal to work towards is important. Whether it is career orientated or sport orientated. I do not like to settle for too much comfort. I like a challenge. An ultramarathon is on my radar now :)! I want to look back at 80 years old and say I left no stone unturned.

What would you say is the best thing about being in a Running Club?

The people. I have to say I have met some fantastic people since I joined. All likeminded and push each other to do well and get better! it is a real inclusive group! We have great craic too (Padraig looby and Elaine Kennedy add a lot of laughs :))! Owen Grogan is good for a laugh also.

What made you join a Running Club?

My girlfriend told me about her friend (Elaine Kennedy) was in a running club and loved it. So, I went up an tried it out. I missed being part of a club and team and I am glad I joined. I have made some good friends in the last year. And I really miss it when I am gone away for a few weeks.

Why is running important to you?

I work in quite a high-pressure job and mainly being indoors all day. Running is therapy to me and a way of gathering my thoughts. It also great to keep me healthy as I like a few pints from time to time. It is also important as running can be challenging and you can incorporate the drive that comes from running into daily life.

Is there anything you would like to see more of or less of at the Club?

I think a few more social occasions would be great. It can take a while to build relationships due to the nature of the 1-hour sessions. I think quarterly events would be a good idea. Especially for new members trying to integrate.

Who is the person in the club who inspires/drives to run better?

Myles, Emily and Paul Duffy are great motivators. Especially on the winter nights when the cold air is hitting my lungs. They are there somewhere on the path encouraging us to keep going. I am also inspired by everyone that turns up regardless of their level. I like to see people being active and engaging! It can only be a positive.

Tell us something that no one in the club knows about you!?

I have encyclopaedic knowledge for movies and actors!! I also know the age of most celebrities! Not sure If I should be highlighting this 😊!!