When did you join Sportsworld?

Just over 2 years ago in May 2016 after the Terenure 5. I’d like to think Myles was talent spotting when he recruited me but Eoin told me later they needed a few more over 50’s to make up a team!

Where do you work?

I am a chartered surveyor and myself and my wife have a small property renovation and investment business.

What is your favourite club session?

I love any session on the grass in Bushy, the track on a Saturday morning is great and Sundays in the Park are ideal for spiritual nourishment! Definitely hills and sprints is my winter favourite.

What is your favourite race distance?

If I had to put a road distance on it I would say from 10k up to half marathon and maybe a bit longer. But to be honest for me it is more about the challenge presented whatever the distance. For example I love the masters cross country races which are only 6 to 8k generally but are always gut busting. Same goes for the IMRA races which might only be 8 to 10k but have a 500m climb and rough terrain.

What is your favourite meal before a big race?

A small glass of fresh orange juice, a good sized bowl of my own home made bircher muesli with natural yoghurt  and blueberries, and of course an expresso, ideally two hours before the start.

My Favourite place to train is?

The only training I really do outside the club is for my hill running so I love trailing in the Wicklow Hills and on the quiet roads and farm lanes around Thomastown and Inistiogue in Kilkenny where I am from. There is a beautiful hurling pitch and grounds  right on the banks of The Nore in Instigoue. I sometines head down there early on sunny summer mornings and run laps before my first coffee of the day.

What’s your favourite race?

As you will already have gathered from my recent race report, The Marathon du Mont Blanc Cross race In Chamonix is special. Myles will verify that my hometown Leinster Masters Road race in Gowran brings out the competitor in me. I wont disagree with him.

What is your target for the next year?

I wont hide the fact that I enter a superior masters category next year so an auld medal or two would be great craic. But honestly, as my fellow masters will testify, being able to participate fully in all the club sessions and staying injury free will be good enough.

What is your best Sportsworld memory?

Hard to match the  camaraderie and craic on the Masters cross country and road race teams. To be pat of The Wicklow Way Relay team this year was special. I enjoy helping with and seeing the success of The Terenure 5.

What international events have you ran? 

The Marathon du Mont Blanc Cross and The Paris Half Marathon.

Where’s the most interesting place you have run?

There is a gorgeous 400m running track in Chamonix town. You can literally walk on to it from the street. Going down the back straight you are looking directly up at the peak of Mont Blanc.

What do you like doing when you don’t run? (hobbies/past times)

I am generally sports mad so love spectating and watching rugby, soccer and hurling. I get to a few Kilkenny matches. Otherwise I relax playing and listening to music and reading. I am useless at it but enjoy a bit of DIY and gardening.

How/When did you start your adventure with running?

I used to run cross country in school but then did no competitive running again until 5 years ago. I always kept in shape as I got older though with jogging and five-a-side soccer. Golf was my main pastime  through the years but funnily I don’t play at all now.

Tell us about your PB’s / What is your biggest achievement?

Before I joined the club my best 5k Park Run in Marlay was 21.30.  Now I break 20 minute most times. 42.30 is my best 10k so maybe I can improve that soon. Same goes for my best half which stands at 1.38. I got a great kick out of winning a bronze medal in the over 55’s Leinster Road Race championships in Gowran in June. Being competitive in the IMRA and other trail races is an achievement for me.

How often do you run / What is your typical weekly mileage?

I rarely manage the four club sessions in any week so Tuesday, Thursday and either Saturday or Sunday would be typical. In the summer if I am doing the IMRA races on a Wednesday or a hill run at the weekend I might drop a club session or otherwise my legs/knees would give up.

What motivates you? Running or otherwise

Getting the best out of myself and my abilities is good for my physical and mental health which in turn benefits my family and friends and everyone I encounter in my daily life.

What would you say is the best thing about being in a Running Club?

Hard to put just one in words but the best things are the moments like:

  • Standing in the clubhouse before we head out to train. The tingle of excitement and anticipation. I am part of something with 50/60/70 other humans, we have the coachs instructions, we are going to run.
  • High fiving with my group at the end of a hard session. I feel so alive and invigorated even though I am out on my feet.
  • Hills and Sprints on a cold, wet night. I am straining to reach the top of the hill but I know Myles will shout my name and I will get there.
  • The session is over. I have showered and had the banter with the likely lads in the changing rooms. Knackered, I head for home happy.

What made you join a Running Club?

I simply needed someone to run with. I have my brother to run with in Kilkenny but my contemporaries who exercise go to gyms or for a cycle on Sunday mornings, neither of which do it for me.

Why is running important to you?

It makes me feel great, all the time

Who is the person in the club who inspires/drives to run better?

I feel Myles and Emily look out for me and Myles encourages me and makes me feel like I can do more next week and next year. You can imagine the positive feeling that gives you when you are heading for ….

I am continually inspired and motivated by my fellow over 50’s (and a few approaching that landmark) runners and now friends. They weren’t in my life or even on my radar two years ago and I don’t need to name them here but they are super guys to be around. But you know, everyone in the club, guys and girls, young and older, without exception, are great to train and chat with In the clubhouse and out on the roads and at races whether running with me or supporting.

Do you do any cross training / other sports on a regular basis?

For the last year I have been doing TRX classes and I think they have contributed big time to making me stronger and helping me take the knocks and niggles that running throws at you. I am on my bike most days and cycle to work and training but they are 10 minutes each way! Summer sees me kayaking on the Nore and the Barrow.