When did you join Sportsworld?
I think it was around May 2015. I was hooked immediately. I remember thinking I was flying around Bushy Park.
Where do you work?
I work in IT development primarily as a business or process analyst. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry, as either do I.
What is your favourite club session?
Definitely the shorter sharp summer sessions around bushy with Team B working like the well-oiled machine that it is! We need to see you back in action soon Maria!
What is your favourite race distance?
I think it is 5km as that is where my stronger times sit. I like the way you can count down the pain in minutes too – the end is never too far away. That said the recent Docklands effort was not a success. Gemma White has the full details on that one if you are interested.
What is your favourite meal before a big race?
I actually think as little as possible and that is the part I struggle with. I really really enjoy eating
My Favourite place to train is?
Phoenix Park has to be up there. I live right beside it making it even closer to my heart. Being in there really early on a weekday morning with the sun coming up and watching the city awake is a truly magical experience. While you may have got a little sick in your mouth there, I reckon if you tried it you would tend to agree!
What’s your favourite race?
Hmmmmm…..like you will struggle to find a better experience that the Dublin Marathon. It is incredible and such a buzz. The way the city and the people embrace the event makes you love the city and our country even more
What is your target for the next year?
Genuinely, now, none! I am sure I will get it to in some later questions but at 37 it would seem I have peaked as a runner!! Initially that was annoying/frustrating but I have since realised that the reason I really love running it for all the great things it brings. Primarily the healthy benefits, being allowed to eat more and all the great new friends I have made because of it
What is your best Sportsworld memory?
Probably would be my first night out with the club after the Docklands 5km in 2017. The relentless laughter and slagging. And TK’s vest – sorry Tom!!!! A great gang was formed that night. The WhatsApp group lives on and remains the envy of many in the club I understand!
What international events have you ran?
Paris Marathon 2018. Great experience but NOT a good day. I also did a Park Run in Boston last September. Was completely revered for being an actual Irish person!!
Where’s the most interesting place you have run?
I am actually struggling with this one. I got lost on a peninsula in Norway once. In fact I get lost quite a bit. I am not quite sure that is interesting though!
What do you like doing when you don’t run? (hobbies/past times)
Loads of stuff although it is annoying how work gets in the way. Amongst other things I enjoy cycling, golf, travelling (starting to sound like a dating app bio here!) eating and drinking too much
As well as that I enjoy messing and doing things I shouldn’t. The last two are probably my favourite!
How/When did you start your adventure with running?
It started as a drunken bet having previously hated running as a form of exercise. I used to see people running early in the morning and say to myself “look at those losers, have they nothing else better to do?!”. I now proudly consider myself one of those losers!
For completeness, the showdown/bet never happened as my mate bought out it. He had done no training so bought out of the bet. I had been training away and started getting a real buzz out of the progress so stuck with it.
And yes, the above does actually prove that drinking is good for your health!
Tell us about your PB’s / What is your biggest achievement?
18.24 for 5km in 2016. The only problem was I didn’t realise it was good and just assumed that next time I would go faster! As a result, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I should. I had only been running about 18 months at this point
Running the Dublin Mountain Way with a great friend to raise money for Barrretstown is up there too
How often do you run / What is your typical weekly mileage?
Now I try run an arbitrary 50km a week just to keep me honest. For the most part I achieve it but it can be a struggle. I actually find it hard to believe now that I have been through 3 marathon training cycles pumping out 80/90/100km weeks. The mere thoughts of it now exhausts me!!
What motivates you? Running or otherwise
I am motivated by feeling fit and strong and that is what running gives me. I also love the craic down at training during the week. I am sure most people think I am total head wrecker as I never shut up but I find myself entertaining and that is the most important thing, right?
What would you say is the best thing about being in a Running Club?
The aforementioned craic and all the wonderful people I have met. The club is full of really good and refreshingly really positive, really humble people. I am sure most clubs are too but needless to say I believe the folk down in Sportsworld and just that little bit more amazing ????
What made you join a Running Club?
Wesley Harrison who remains a good pal to this day takes the credit with this one. Both Wes and I were members in Swan leisure and become pally enough. This was around the time my love affair with running was blossoming. He told me about Sportsworld so off I went. The rest as they say is history
Why is running important to you?
It makes me feel great I guess is the real reason. Plus it allows me to where short shorts and I always feel happy wearing short shorts
It is also a great way (that doesn’t end in a handover) to spend time with friends too. Like an hour long run with pals is a great way to have the chats/craic. We have a good gang of old school friends who enjoy running so it is a great way of catching up with them.
Who is the person in the club who inspires/drives to run better?
Like possibly another vom inducing answer but everyone who gets their runners and shares the pain/joy of lung busting session together on a Tuesday or Thursday evening.
Myles and Emily of course deserve a special mention – they work they do is tireless and must be acknowledged. Despite how he continues to abuse his power to in fact abuse me, Michael Cunningham deserves a shout out too. How he finds time to work, act as chairman of the club, keep on top of his WhatsApp and finish every article on the RTE Entertainment section I will never quite understand.

Do you do any cross training / other sports on a regular basis?
I would always be doing something and find doing nothing the hardest. Although I have discovered that giving yourself a debilitating hangover can bring benefits through rest to key muscle groups. You are unlikely to find that in most good running manuals mind you!
On a serious note I am determined to one day try and achieve my (admittedly self-perceived) potential at the game golf. I cycle a bit and try to make the gym relatively regularly too.
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