Full Name:

Caoimhe Daniels

When did you join Sportsworld?

In 2017

Where do you work?

I worked as a Primary School Teacher in Dublin. I just finished a Psychology degree, so I am slowly making a move out!

What is your favourite club session?

I get the most out of longer reps on a Tuesday, and even though I dread them, I do love a good cross-country session in Phoenix Park or Tymon.

What is your favourite race distance?

I don’t have a favourite distance, but I get the most enjoyment out of IMRA races.

What is your favourite meal before a big race?

Porridge, fruit and honey is probably what I consistently have, although I have on occasion experimented (I don’t recommend!)

My Favourite place to train

I do love Phoenix Park, there is so much space and no traffic interruptions. On a Saturday morning, I love seeing all the different groups training together.

What’s your favourite race?

I have really enjoyed the VHI mini 10km race the last two years.

What is your target for the next year?

To have a progressively, successful training period injury free! I would love to get my 5km and 10km down and do more mountain races.

What international events have you ran?

I have never travelled to race! I did however live in Dubai for 2 years, and enjoyed competing over different terrains from rocky mountains in Oman, busy sky scraper road races and track.

Where’s the most interesting place you have run?

I have travelled to very interesting places, but it hasn’t always been the safest place to run. I know it sounds cliche, but there is no place like home. There is nothing like running in Connemara followed by a freezing swim in the turquoise waters of Ballyconnelly and Dogs Bay. However, I would love to do trail running in the Alps… that’s a dream I have to put together.

Where’s the most interesting place you’ve been? (Doesn’t have to be running related)

I loved Nepal, I visited in 2018 to do Base Camp Everest. The Nepalese were very gentle and friendly. I was in awe waking up to hike around the world’s highest mountains. I plan on returning to do some more hiking.

What do you like doing when you don’t run? (hobbies/past times)

I love to catch up with friends, go sea swimming, hiking, reading and trying new creative ventures. There is not enough time in a week for all the things I like to dabble in.

How/When did you start your adventure with running?

I joined a track club in Galway at 13 years old and became addicted to the track and short fast races!

Tell us about your PB’s / What is your biggest achievement?

10km- 37.23

5km- 17.54

1500m- 4.50 (a long time ago)

I have never raced a longer distance!

What is your biggest non-running related achievement?

Completing my full time Psychology degree while working part time as a teacher- it was a mental two years!

How often do you run / What is your typical weekly mileage?

Honestly my mileage is pretty low anywhere between 35- 50km a week depending on injury / time. I plan on investing more time into running this year.

What motivates you? Running or otherwise

I love running for the headspace it gives me, and the energy. No matter how crazy a day has been even a slow run and flip your mindset. I also love the friendships running has fostered.

What would you say is the best thing about being in a Running Club?

100% the people you meet. I love how eclectic a running club is. From the coach to your running companions, a club offers support, structure, motivation and friendships.

Who is the person in the club who inspires/drives to run better?

Emily of course! She is an inspirational lady. I also find inspiration from people who are getting PBs in general, you can feel their excitement and buzz.

Do you do any cross training / other sports on a regular basis?

Because I regularly get niggles, I do a lot of weight and gym work. I also enjoy getting out to cycle. I can’t stand cardio gym equipment, so I try to stay outdoors for cardio as much as possible.