Report by Aoife O’Leary
Photos by Gemma White and Dave Clarke.
The Good Run 5km & 2.5Km races took place on Good Friday in the fabulous St Anne’s Park, Raheny. All proceeds raised from the event goes to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA) and Project MiniE (a research group dedicated to discovering the cause of MND to enable treatment to be developed).

Race reporter Aoife on pacing duty!
A large group of Sportsworld athletes attended this event on a beautifully sunny and warm morning where running conditions couldn’t have been more perfect. A huge crowd of almost 1,000 took to the start line at 11am where the feel good atmosphere was infectious with all participants out supporting a really important cause that is close to many Irish people’s hearts.
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The course we completed will be familiar to anyone who has participated in the St Anne’s parkrun except that it was run in reverse. It’s events like these on a perfect spring morning that makes you appreciate the joy that running and good health brings.
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Catherine on her way to 2nd place!
Catherine Bambrick had a fantastic run to finish an excellent second to Olympian Maria McCambridge, running close to 18mins. Other participants included (and apologies if I have missed anyone)
Audrai O’Driscoll
Eileen Rowland
Will Greensmyth
Eoin O’Brien
Jean Wilson
Naoise Waldron
Catherine Mulleady
Crona Brady
Stephen Willoughby
Conor Kenny
Claire Rowley
Sandra Kelly
Derrick Long
Maria Finnegan
Eileen Rowland
Will Greensmyth
Eoin O’Brien
Jean Wilson
Naoise Waldron
Catherine Mulleady
Crona Brady
Stephen Willoughby
Conor Kenny
Claire Rowley
Sandra Kelly
Derrick Long
Maria Finnegan

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On behalf of the organisers I just want to say thanks so much to everyone who came out to support the race and cause. It was brilliant to see such a great turn out in the red and white! Also special thanks to Margaret Crowley who so generously made a donation to the IMNDA as she couldn’t make the race. It’s very much appreciated.

Thanks to the photographers Dave and Gemma who seemed to be at every corner 🙂
Many of the Sportsworld runners will return to the park on Sunday for the Leinster 10mile road race championships so this was a great warm up. Best of luck to all competing!
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