A big well done to all our 2016 marathoners!
Full results at the bottom but first the race reports from those that ran last Sunday!
Damien Geraghty
I decided to do Dublin City Marathon 2016 at about the 20 mile mark during the Dublin City Marathon 2015 (yes DCM 2015). There were 2 reasons for this –
1 – My aim/goal to complete a sub 3.30 marathon was over at that point
2- The support and encouragement from the crowd in the last 6 mile of 2015 to get me across the finish line was something I would never forget.
Early 2016 after recovering from injury I decided if I wanted to improve all aspects of running the only way to do this was by joining a club……One search on google and I found Sportworld Facebook page….reading through previous race reports, comments and photos on the page I needed to look no further.
The morning of DCM 2016 myself and training buddy Sean Duffy headed into town way too early….we were that early we actually thought about going to Coppers for last orders but decided that Starbucks would be the better choice.
As time drew closer we also met up with Alan, Emmet and James……every one of us as nervous as the other……We were however missing Tom….even though he was getting an extra hour in bed with the clocks going back it still wasn’t enough….but thankfully he made it just on time.
Race started and if I’m honest it is a bit of a blurr from start to finish so won’t be going into too much detail. What I do remember is the unbelievable support from the start till the finish line (big shout out to the guys at Castleknock, Terenure and Milltown)…the roar of support was truly unbelievable. I tried running with a smile on my face the whole way because I was doing something I loved and for the large part of it I believe I did…..that and the fact I was laughing at how many people in the club didn’t know my name….the chants of ‘Come on Sportsworld’ was unbelievable, it give me a great buzz and pushed me along all the way (I’m hoping after this report….next year it will be ‘Come on Damien’)
Race plan – I had a plan going into the race that I wanted to do 4.40 mins/km which would get me in under the 3.20 hr finishing time…..plan went well until about 35km when a mixture of a re-occurring hamstring injury, leg cramps and a stitch (which I never suffered before) made the last 4/5 mile very difficult…thankfully I knew I still had enough time built up to finish under 3hr30 which was a 17min PB and overall I was absolutely delighted. This was my 6th PB since joining Sportworld in Jan which really just shows/proves how good the club is and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Sportsworld members ….we all push each other on whether it’s a training session or a race and really is a great feeling to be part of a special club.
I will be back to training Next Tuesday night (hopefully) ready to go again….Already looking forward till DCM 2017….….where else do you get to do what u love in front of thousands of supporters cheering you on….it’s a truly and unbelievable event and I aim to do as many as I can.
(I also raised 1200 euro for Temple Street Children Hospital)
Congrats to all runners on the day.
Denise Kilkenny
For me completing Dublin City Marathon was something of a personal goal and a personal Journey. It was only my second marathon, having done Longford many moons ago.
After a good night’s rest and an effort at eating breakfast, I headed off to meet Ronan to grab a lift into town. Once we found Sandra at St Stephens Green we made our way to the start.
With almost 20,000 people entered in the marathon, we expected the start area to be a bit hectic. We were pleasantly surprised. The bag drop was quick and well-organized.
As usual a last minute trip to the portaloo was needed, still queuing at 9.05am I began to panic as I was due to start at 9.10am. Needless to say I missed my pacing balloon, but who needs a balloon anyway!!!!
The support along the route was unbelievable, with fantastic posters carrying motivational messages such as “the faster you run, the sooner we can get drunk”, ‘If Trump can run so can you’ and loads of sweets.
I had friends in Kilmainham to look out for so this offered a welcome distraction. Even if I did sprint to them and die once I was around the corner out of their view! Coming up to Walkinstown roundabout I definitely was beginning to feel a slump, but I ‘called a meeting with myself ‘and pulled it together. Approaching Terenure I decided a gel with caffeine was needed just too at least look strong approaching my team mates. And what a wonderful team ye are. The lift I got from seeing familiar faces was amazing.
Andrea Mc Namara was on hand in Rathgar to run alongside me to help me find my pace again, after leaving the high of Terenure. Although all I wanted to talk about was the wild night she had the night before. Needless to say I got zero information!!
meeting my Family and friends in Milltown kept me focused and reminded me who this was all about. The amazing cross country Gold winning girls were outside Wilde and Green cheering us on which again gave me the push I needed to get up that hill and Fergal was on hand at the top of the hill to supply some much needed water. As I approached ‘Heartbreak hill’ I was beginning to feel the pain but thanks to Connor Kelly and Phil Kilgannon words of encouragement I motored on! For me once I got on to the N11 the crowd and a few more club members’ encouragement carried me over the line.
Although Dublin did not bring me a PB, with all the injuries and disruptions to my training plan I am happy with my achievement.
Kevin Curran
Running a marathon is something nearly every runner wants or feels obliged to do. Whilst watching the 2015 Dublin Marathon, I decided that 2016 would be my year. The atmosphere had a festival feel and it was something I wanted to experience, particularly being a Sportsworld runner.
The strategy for the race was to simply go out at my own rhythm, keep it steady and not think about the pressure of being followed on the marathon tracker. 20 miles passed without too much hassle but the focus was tested a few times after passing through cheering zones and the Kimmage / Terenure / Rathgar stretch.
It is absolutely true when people say that the marathon doesn’t start until after 20 miles. Passing through Milltown, I thought everyone is holding their pace really well and some were starting to push on. And then as I turned towards Clonskeagh, lots of runners started to come back to me. I had to up my effort to stay on pace, but was feeling relatively good and took my final gel. I passed a few runners and then felt a sharp pain in my right abdomen at mile 21. I wasn’t really sure if it was a stitch or a hip flexor cramping. I tried to change my breathing and run it off. With no relief, I decided to stop and stretch at the bottom of Fosters Avenue. This actually alleviated the pain in my stomach but my left hamstring started to cramp as I tried to get out of the stretch. With almost 23 miles of running completed, my body thought it was finished and started to seize up. Stopping was probably a rookie mistake.
I am sure plenty of marathoners can relate to the grim feeling of running with cramps. But the encouragement always keeps you going.
The support across the course was fantastic and I felt I got special attention wearing the Sportsworld singlet. Thanks for all the support along the route. It was greatly appreciated.
Paul Cassidy
Almost immediately after finding out he had to have major surgery earlier this year, David Trimble (of this parish) informed us in no uncertain terms that, after his operation and recovery, not only was he going to complete the Dublin marathon this year but that he was also going to do it in sub 3:30hrs. So in an act of solidarity and comradeship myself and Gareth McGrath committed to doing the marathon with him certain in our own minds that we had made the perfect bargain; making a genuine offer with the attendant kudos while feeling safe in the knowledge that Dave was being a bit delusional about his marathon aspirations and so our offer would not be called upon. Unfortunately for us, a bit like The Donald, Dave confounded the perceived wisdom and so myself and Gareth found ourselves at the start line on Sunday.
For me the marathon day brings all conflicting emotions together all at once, excitement and trepidation, hope and dread, belief and doubt, success and/or failure. It’s a heady mix but does get the adrenalin pumping just as you set out over the starting line. There is really nothing like the feeling being part of the collective running infantry mass that starts that journey to the promised land, that nirvana that is Merrion Square. It’s a journey that tests all your reserves of physical and mental strength so the support all along the way, not least from all the Club members at Terenure, was a huge boost and it really can’t be underestimated how much this lightens the load.
It’s said that everything looks well in the sunshine but it was particularly true on Sunday. The city never looked better and the trees and greenery of Phoenix Park and Castleknock in particular were resplendent in autumnal colours. There was not a blade of wind and so running conditions were absolutely ideal. The running gods decided to favour us in this special centerary year. If there’s such a thing as having an enjoyable marathon this was it for me. Coming down Northumberland Road I was thinking of the Elbow song One Day Like This and the line ‘Throw those curtains wide/One day like this a year’d see me right’. It absolutely captured the feeling I had crossing the line.
Meanwhile, later (much later) in Birchalls of Ranelagh. I have a hazy recollection of Will Greensmyth talking to me about Thomas Hobbes ,the 17th century English philosopher, view that life can be brutish, nasty and short and that in this context I should enjoy life and make the major decision to retire to McSorleys with the other Sportsworld hard core elite for even more celebratory drinks. It made good sense when he said it but not so much on Monday morning! Anyway, it was a very enjoyable club night and a great way to end a great day.
Thanks again to all Sportsworld members for the cheers and support along the way and for the great night out later in Birchalls.
By the way, David Trimble finished in 3:28 a PB for him with myself and Gareth well behind. What a story!!
Killian McMorrow
The animated support of the dublin public on the race route this year was fantastic.The special great boost of Sportsworld support in Terenure was made even better by my then finding, at different points, Sean, Stephen,Tony and Ruth all there to cheer me in ( and add wedding congrats!) over the final few miles;with added thanks to Shona, who popped up at least twice!, miles apart!
My first time on the recent welcome variations to the course added to my days enjoyment.While, with apologies to the natives of the area, I dont care if I never see the Crumlin road again! Ten marathons now, might be my lot.
Ronan Murray
The Dublin Marathon is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me, it was my first Marathon, it is my current Marathon PB and is where I hit “the wall” for the first time. This year marked my 5th Dublin and as always, I knew it would be a challenge.
The course is very deceptive, people talk about Roebuck and call it heart break hill but what a lot of people don’t realise is that the first half has a lot more climbing.
Mile 2 to 7 is the worst part of the course but you don’t know it yet as you are still running on the buzz of the day and the amazing crowds. Miles 8 through 12 give you a bit of a recovery stages there I a bit of downhill. Next you have 13 to 16 from the barn up to Walkinstown. This phase just soaks up energy as it is a drag all the way.
At last you hit Cromwellsfort road and it is flat, this is where you planned to make up ground and as you push on you realise that your legs have nothing, the underestimated hills have started to take their toll.
Terenure , no matter how bad you feel , you cant help speed up with all the cheers from club mates , family and friends. The tired legs shut up complaining for that few miles and you seem to float along waving at people.
Once you get down near Colemans the euphoria wares off and your back to feeling like someone let the air out of you. Then the hills start again, Milltown and then Roebuck , these are like mountains and for the first time you see what impact the race is having on the crowd around you. Its like a war zone, people walking, cramping even crying. The only comfort you can take from this is that you are still moving forward (hopefully) and that the hard work is done.
The next 4 miles blur past until you notice the cheers getting louder and the spectators getting 4 and 5 deep, that can only mean one thing. The end is nigh. Finally you see the finish gantry about 600mts ahead and your dead legs wake up and you take off like a sprinter, almost home, then the blue carpet and finally the finish. Its all over and you survived, any your reward , a medal and t shirt. Worth every ounce of pain.
When the hype of race day is over and the legs pain is dulling, you have time to recap and its usually then that you realise that the journey to the start line was every bit as special as the race itself. If you were lucky enough to have people to train with , you realise that the long training runs and build up races were the fun part and will be just as memorable as race day when you look back in the future. Thanks to the 2016 gang for the company , the laughter and sometimes the abuse.
Until next time !
Sandra Kelly
Marathon Fever was vibrant last Sunday morning. It was like waiting for Santa to arrive.
I decided to do the Marathon last July and to be honest, was a bit scared at the prospect of it. Completed the Clontarf half in July and found that tougher than the actual marathon in the end.
Trained from end of July to end of October and really enjoyed the training in a funny sort of way. I was nervous about taking on the 26 miles but I knew I could do it and I’m a determined little thing ……..
The morning of the marathon, I awoke (after an extra hour in bed which helped) at 6.30am and was raring to go. Met some of the guys in town after a trip on the LUAS which seemed like Christmas eve it was so hectic.
The atmosphere was electric and I couldn’t wait to get going …………
I knew I had to watch my pace for the first 6 miles which I did and then quickened up for the next 6 miles. My pace was fairly consistent throughout which helped enormously.
The one downside for me was the volume of runners which I found a little claustrophobic at times so if I do it again, (never say never J) I’ll have to try and speed up to beat the vast crowds.
I knew I was going to see family, friends and club mates at different stages of the second half of the course, so once I got to those points, I got a great lift from seeing everybody and the support.
For me, Clonskeagh was the toughest part along to UCD and then I picked it up again knowing I was close to the finish line.
The home straight is an experience I want again!! The crowds were absolutely fantastic on the Merrion Road and all the way to the finish line.
I imagined I’d feel very emotional running over the line but I didn’t, I was just delighted that I had broken 4 hours which was my main goal.
Sunday was unforgettable and worth all the hard training and dedication.
Thanks to everyone for all the good luck messages and support!!
Cormac Garvey
Ah the Dublin Marathon.. If Im not in severe pain during the october bank holiday,..I’m just not alive!!
Work committments meant that though this was my fifth in a row,it was my only race this year and was going to be an ugly affair.. But hey ,if you dont train, dont complain! Perfect running conditions, best crowd ever, brill sportsworld support. A guy running with the Eiffel tower on his back.PB’s being shattered all over the shop..Cat & Mouse with other Sportsworlders up heartbreak hill. Being shamed into running again at Montrose, by a childhood friend..
My fave Sportsworld words of encouragement just after the KCR as Terenure was looming ‘keep it up, youre on home turf now’. And I was. Sportsworld marshalling Irelands best race. The Dublin marathon brings out the community spirit of our great city, and it wouldn’t be the same without it. Never again.. till next year.
My only regret? Couldn’t make Birchalls. Would have needed an Airlift to get me off the couch.
Martin Doyle
Dublin marathon 2016: After missing training all of august and some of September due to injury I thought my chance of a pb in the marathon had gone. The forecast for the day said chance of rain, but they were wrong and the day couldn’t of been anymore perfect, bright cool and no wind r rain. With crowds lined up at start line I got in just in front of the 3:30 marker.
From the start till the park it was pretty tight, I was moving a little slower than I should of but from past experience I learnt you can’t race the whole marathon, the real race only starts in last 6 to 10 mile out so just kept a steady pace and let people pass. As I got to the 16 mile the stewards couldn’t of been in a better place with shouts of encouragement from fortified right to rathgar I had a nice down hill slope on Templeogue road to pick my pace up and the race to the finish line began.
The legs felt strong and as I passed tired runners it spurred me on to keep the pace. Just after the 20 mile mark a lot of runners heads dropped and started to walk. I thought if I can just push through this part and up roboke hill I’m nearly there, as I hit the Stillorgan road my worry was my legs might cramp from the pace , I just kept pushing and hoped for the best, drinking about 2 bottles of water on the last straight.
As I passed the rds I knew the 3:20 was still in reach but I’m gonna have to dig deep, I only have one chance to do it and no point afterward saying I should of pushed a little more. Emptied every thing I had into last sprint to the finish line and got it done injury free:)
Totally enjoyed it from start to finish and the support from the people all the way round is awesome.
Alan Hynes
So as i embarked on my first 26 mile race i couldn’t help but remember a quote i spotted somewhere recently (pain is temporary….internet race reports last forever).
Cliona O Riordan
This year was my 2nd marathon but my first time running the Dublin City Marathon. I ran New York 5 years ago but struggled during the race and was disappointed with my result so I was determined to improve this time around
Training went well but with a few moments of wishing I hadn’t signed up when I was getting up early to do long runs. The good weather in the weeks beforehand definitely made those long runs easier. I was very anxious on the Friday before the marathon day but by Sunday morning I was just looking forward to getting going.
I thought the buzz and excitement around the start line was brilliant. My sister came in with me to start so I was delighted to have company going in on a very packed luas!
The support out on the course was absolutely amazing and at times very emotional. All the way up through the Phoenix park lined with people and the cheering and music in Castleknock was just brilliant. I found the drag up the Crumlin road a bit tough but I knew once I got to the Walkinstown roundabout I would be getting closer to home territory.
Coming down towards Terenure I was looking forward to seeing all the Sportsworld crew and hearing all the cheers and people calling out your name gave me a huge lift. I knew my family and Shona would be a Milltown to I was flying along to see them. I knew after I’d find the stretch from Wilde and Green to the top of Roebuck Rd tough going. Shona ran up the hill in Milltown with me and my sister went up Roebuck so I got through them both ok on the end. From there it was just pushing on for home.
The crowd literally carried me for the last two miles from the bottom of Nutley lane to the finish line. Coming down Mount St was very emotional. I could see the finish and I knew I was going to finish under my goal of 4hrs 30mins. My parents and some other friends were all in merrion square. I met Louise in the baggage area and we got a great photo. Straight to O Donoghues for one of the best tasting bottles of Heineken I’ve ever had!!
I was absolutely delighted the day had gone so well. The whole atmosphere was better than I could have ever imagined. All the family friends and club mates that were out on the course lifted me so much throughout the day.
Thomas Kinsella

This was the 6th year in a row that I’ve run Dublin with the main reason for coming back year on year being the fantastic support from the crowds. With minor changes to the route there are a few guaranteed wall of sound areas (Castleknock, Walkinstown Road, ‘Nine Arches’ viaduct all the way up to Mount Saint Annes in Milltown, and of course Templeogue Road) that really motivate and help you deal with any pain threshold. Passing the students having ,what smells like, an open air fry-up around Kilmainham is an annual tradition along with kids looking for high-fives, Gardaí roaring on encouragement and some outrageous costumes (Eiffel Tower???) .
For the race itself my lack of proper long distance training this year led to low expectations timewise with the first 25km going to plan before the wheels came off and the battle to the finish line began but that only motivates me to come back better prepared for next year and keep the sequence going. It’s probably not an ideal marathon to choose if you’re going for a PB but if you wanted a first marathon to aim for as an enjoyable introduction to the famous distance Dublin is pretty much perfect.
Seán Donegan
This was my first proper marathon attempt since 2013. I really enjoyed the training this summer– the mid-week Medium Long Run in my plan was very challenging but I felt this was key to building strength, with clear progression as the weeks went on, so I came into this marathon in optimum shape. I joined in with the Sportsworld Sunday run a few times and credit must go to the guys who organised the 20 miler in the Phoenix Park in August, manning water stations and taking splits, this was the perfect training exercise and for me a key workout to boost confidence. The couple of runs around the Waterworks too are a fantastic strength builder.
My marathon paced training runs had been in the range of 7.10 – 7.25 pace and after much deliberation I decided to set out at the higher end of 7.15 pace and go for it. Bronze goal was a PB (3.17), Silver was sub 3.15 and Gold 3.10.
Miles 1-5 were all about trying to settle in the groove but I found it hard to keep a constant pace as particular going into Stoneybatter we approached an incline, I was careful to heed the advice given to me not to push too hard here or up Chesterfield Avenue which I did do, leaving the 3.10 pacers alone as they passed me out – 7.09, 7.06, 7.34, 7.14, 7.18
Miles 6-10 continued in a similar vein but I was a little concerned about my HR – about 5 BPM higher than what this effort usually feels like, I wasn’t feeling in the zone, and felt a little tight all over to be honest, which was strange. I went through 10k in 46 mins. Dark clouds were forming in my mind and I didn’t enjoy the climb through Castleknock until we reached one of the bands who were playing a U2 song which I like that lifted the spirts. As we came back into the Park I needed to pull over for a pitstop which probably cost me a crucial 20 seconds or so. 7.17, 7.20, 6.59, 7.14, 7.04
Miles 11-15, from Inchicore through Ballyfermot, I was starting to suffer. Something was not right with me but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I felt sluggish and lethargic. Trying to stay positive I focused on the crowds and the support, high fiving a few kids and thanking the spectators. Average pace was 7.15 at this stage so bang on target. I got through half way in 1.36 which had me in line for a 3.12 which would have been great but things took a turn for the worse going up the Crumlin Road. My HR was touching my Lactate Threshold zone, way too high, and the pace was decreasing at the same time. People were passing me out and the temptation to stop was growing. 7.31, 7.15, 7.16, 7.40, 7.29
Miles 16-20 sees us through home turf, by my family at the KCR and the club around Terenure. I knew once we hit Walkinstown that the course became favourable so was hoping to kick on from there but I just didn’t have it me. This was very disappointing and despite the cheers from friends and club mates and my smiles and waves, I was putting a brave face on it – I was really feeling terrible. Hopefully I managed to fool Adrian, Packie, Breda, Karol, Eoin, Emily and Will who all gave generous shoutouts (apologies if I missed others) and many thanks to Catherine for the jellies!! As I went through Terenure, a mate came alongside me….I really wanted to latch on to him and run side by side for a while but I was fading….I knew he could sense it too and fair play to him, he told me straight: “Don’t drop the head, stay positive” This was now a battle of wits as well as limbs.7.23, 7.31, 7.26, 7.30, 7.25
Miles 21 & 22 – well, these nearly broke me. Milltown and Clonskeagh. I had run these roads many a time in the past 3 months specifically to prepare me for this moment. I switched the watch to focus on average pace – it was now down to 7.22 – I needed to keep this below 7.27 to get the PB. To my horror these miles came in at 7.38 and 7.55 – the battle was truly on!
Miles 23 & 24 – This is the point pre-race where I felt I could do well in, after Roebuck Hill, as it’s a straight run home more or less. The blurb behind the plan I followed suggested this should be the part of the race you should relish, having theoretically trained better than most others, and true to form, even though I was feeling like death on legs, I was now starting to overtake people. Each person I overtook, I visualised drawing some energy from them and using it myself and as I forced myself down Nutley Lane I was starting to feel a whole lot better. Mile 23 – 7.31, Mile 24, 7.26.
Mile 25 & 26 – Time for some maths – the urge to stop was mighty but the aim now was to protect the PB – I reasoned 2 x 8.30 miles would get me in under 3.17 but if I gave it a good rattle I might sneak in under 3.15 – ok so, take it easy, don’t panic, forget the watch now, and just go as fast as you can….so there was nothing more to do but get the head down and truck on….I started again to focus on the spectators to keep my mind occupied from the pain, was great to see a few familiar faces on Northumberland Road, particular Conor, who reassured me I was looking strong so now I tried to lap up the amazing crowds from either side of the road….all ideals I had of running with composure and grace where truly out the window as I dramatically forced one leg in front of the other in what felt like a painful slow motion torture fest 7.43, 7.42
Then a beautiful sign appeared…”800ms to go!” I gave it everything I had, overtaking a few more people and was running at 6.44 pace…saw the clock and realised I had a 3.15 in the bag – 3.15.21 @7.24 pace to be exact. My initial thoughts? Utter delirium at getting a PB and having survived such an arduous experience with a positive finale.
I’ve achieved a time I feel like I deserve and give or take 2 minutes, is within the right range for my level of fitness and the work I’ve put in. For that I am very proud. The marathon is a beast like no other and you can never take for granted the time you expect to achieve – I really had to dig it out and this shows in my HR readings which are off the charts. Big thanks to all the Sportsworld crew who supported along the way.
Jose A. Chapa

I am hooked now and looking forward to do it all over again.
Sportsworld Results
Kevin Curran 02:51:19
James Brady 02:55:14
Shane Toman 03:01:55
Matt Appleby 03:11:19
Sean Duffy 03:13:41
Sean Donegan 03:15:21
Jose Chapa 03:20:20
Martin Doyle 03:20:33
Cormac Garvey 03:28:06
Damien Geraghty 03:29:29
David Trimble 03:28:55
Ronan Murray 03:39:20
Denise Kilkenny 03:40:22
Peter Knaggs 03:42:03
Conor Tully 03:42:53
Aidan Curran 03:44:27
Alan Hynes 03:50:36
Paul Cassidy 03:57:35
Sandra Kelly 03:58:00
Cathy Coyle 04:05:35
Paul O’Connell 04:08:33
Patrick McMorrow 04:18:18
Thomas Kinsella 04:18:26
Cliona O’Riordan 04:28:48
Louise Kearney 04:29:18
Tara Murphy 04:31:55
Irene O’Rourke 04:32:53
William Murphy 05:49:08
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