This Wednesday will be the 4th graded meeting of the year. The schedule is below.

Time Event Grade
19.00 100m Women B
19.05 100m Women A
19.10 100m Men C
19.20 100m Men B
19.30 100m Men A
19.35 800m Women A Development Race
19.45 800m Women B
19.50 800m Men A Development Race
20.05 800m Men D
20.20 800m Men C
20.30 800m Men B
20.35 3000m Women A+B
20.45 3000m Men D
20.55 3000m Men C
21.05 3000m Men A+B

19.30 Discus Women
Discus Women
19.45 Shot Women
Shot Vault Men
19.45 Long Jump Women
Long Jump Men

All events will commence with Grade B (women) or Grade D (men). Times shown for events are approximate, these are subject to change on the evening of competition depending on the number of athletes entered.

Location : Irishtown Stadium