Lorna Quinn
The National Intermediate and Masters cross country event took place on Sunday February 9th at Westport House grounds. Runners from north, south, east and west descended upon this scenic location for a highly anticipated and nerve inducing race!
Sportsworld runners were out in force. We had teams for Ladies Intermediate and Masters, and a team for Men’s Masters. We also had Lucy Darcy challenge herself to toe the line as an individual club runner at this highly competitive event, and come out strong winning silver for her age category on the Dublin O50 team. Each runner had their own goal, drive and hope.
Going into this race, the Intermediate and Masters Ladies teams knew they had every chance to do well, considering two very successful outcomes at both Dublin and Leinster cross country races this year. We had strength in numbers and strength in depth. Cross country running is a team event. Every runner running for their team; knowing that every runner they pass is a step closer to victory. And victory we had at this event! Our Ladies Intermediate team took 3rd team overall, with all six runners in the top 20 finishers. This team is so strong and so tight. Elaine Kennedy was awarded a gold medal for her place on the winning Dublin team for this race, and it was justly deserved for Elaine powered through the course with her consistent strength and speed.
Our Masters Ladies team took 2nd place overall. Led by Noreen Brouder, who scored gold on the winning Dublin team, Noreen set the pace from off. She was quickly followed by Aoife, Lorna, Crona and Caroline. Spurred on by cheers from family, friends and SW supporters, the acceleration was on as we tried with all our might to stay close and pack tight. There was jubilation and joy all around as we learned we placed 2nd as a team. Pure delight! Noreen was decked out in medals as she was also awarded a silver medal for being 2nd O45.
We were very lucky with the weather on the day. Dry, crisp and cold, with not a drop of rain in sight. The ground was solid and hard with some muddy sections that threatened a spike to sink. Our Masters race was 4K which involved one short, and two long laps of the winding course. The Intermediate Ladies race was 5K which involved two short and two long laps.
And what about Liam Lenehan?! I joined Liam on a warm-up before the race. Eager to know the race route, we both set off and asked a very helpful steward to explain the meandering course to us. His parting words were “If in doubt, just follow whoever is in front!”. Does he know who he is talking to? I wondered. This is Liam Lenehan, the winner of the recent Dublin and Leinster cross country races, and soon to be, winner of the National cross country!! Well, Liam glided through the course with sheer determination, drive and gazelle like speed. His achievement on the day was not lost on him as he smiled through tears of joy, pride and gratitude for this physical feat. Liam was 1st O65 and placed on the winning Dublin team. Congratulations Liam! We are all absolutely thrilled for you.
The Masters Men as always put on a fine display of grit, courage and strength as they toed theline for their 7K race. This involved one short lap and four long laps. Trevor, Gareth, Gavin, Padraig and Brian all put in incredible runs. So fast and so strong. I think every race makes you a stronger runner and these runners have raced many track, middle distance, long distance and marathon events to date, and they still continue to compete at a very high level, both with themselves and within a team. It is brilliant and it is inspiring to see.
Days like Sunday would not be possible without key people behind the scenes encouraging, motivating, guiding, reassuring, cheering and supporting us throughout our weekly and weekend training sessions. Emily, Myles and Paul turn up consistently in all weathers to set us in motion for every training session and stay with us until the very end. It is no wonder Sportsworld is 40 years plus and continuing to grow stronger with ever increasing memberships. Here’s to many more days like Sunday and here’s to Sportsworld continuing to compete with the very best in all races near and far.
The National Intermediate and Masters Cross Country Championships took place last Sunday, 9th February and it was a great day out for the club with some excellent Sportsworld performances!
The championships were held in Westport this year so most headed down on Saturday to make the most of a nice weekend trip west. This was my first national cross country race since joining the club. I had initially double booked myself that weekend so didn’t know if I would be available, but with a mild twist ofthe arm, in true Emily Dowling style, I could not say no and cleared the schedule. Looking back now, with a national medal to show for it, I’m glad I went! Thank you Emily.
It was a cold day in Mayo but we were glad the rain held off! Cross country runners are known for their toughness, but there were moments on that course when swimming might have been the more viable option. The ground was heavy and the uneven terrain gave the ankles a real test but besides that, it was ok! Not too many hills and plenty of Sportsworlders along the route providing great support. Nothing like the sight of Emily or Myles to get you motoring.
Moving on to the results, a massive congratulations to Liam Lenehan who continued on his winning streak to collect both individual and county gold in his age category. A great cross country season for Liam. We had a very strong Masters Ladies team and all ran very well to bring home team silver for the club, led by Noreen Brouder who also got an individual silver in her age category and a gold county medal. Shout-out to Lucy D’arcy who collected a county Silver medal to add to an ever-expanding medal collection!
The Masters Men were next, facing a gruelling 7km through the mud that only got worse with each passing lap. Leading the team home was Trevor Sweeney with a strong performance, followed closely by Garreth Murran who also delivered a solid run. The cross country season has provided a great chance to catch up since Garreth’s move to Limerick long may that tradition continue! Great races from all our other athletes in this tough race. I did not envy that extra 2km you all had to run.
The final race of the day featuring Sportsworld athletes was the Intermediate Ladies 5km race, bringing the curtain down on what has been a successful cross country season for our women’s team. It has been great to be part of this group that not only supports each other but also pushes everyone to dig deeper and race harder. Between the Dublin, Leinster and National cross country races this year, we have had 12 athletes competing for the team, a great panel you could say! Last Sunday, we got a team bronze for the club, led home by Elaine Kennedy who had a great race to finish in 7th place overall, and who also secured a gold medal for the county. It was a tough race but we packed well together as Emily always encourages us to do. A big shout-out to all the girls who have been involved with the team throughout the season. Maybe we’ll get silver next year?
The day finished with a cool down around the lovely grounds of Westport House before getting the rugby set up on the phones to tune in to the Ireland-Scotland match. Another success story.
Once again, well done to all who competed. I haven’t mentioned all the names but you know who you are! Thanks also to the supporters who travelled long distances to Westport and collected numbers/held gear etc. It was appreciated. And just like that, the cross country season has come to a close for many of us. While my knees and I prefer the softer, forgiving grass underfoot, I do like an occasional road race so it is time to shift the focus to what’s next – some fun road racing!
Liam Lenehan

For my part, I had decided to go out fast, head down, and see where that took me to when the race settled down. After 500m or so we rounded a sharpish double back bend so I could look up and see all the field ahead of me. I was leading man. Now it was all about keeping up the pace to hold on to and try to build on the lead. Myles, Emily and Anthony had spread themselves along the route and were encouraging me along and letting me me know the proximity of my competitors which was brilliant. The support from all the Sportsworlders around the course was amazing. All the hard work and training paid off and I stayed clear of Tom Cuddy and Martin McDonald to win in 14:52. National XC O65 Champion – I could not have imagined that and the XC season ahead of me when I stood on the the start line at the Dublin Masters in St Annes Park only 5 weeks earlier.
Trevor Sweeney
“Welcome one and all to this national event where some of the best runners in the country come together to compete for the coveted titles on offer today. Greetings from Westport, where this year’s finals are being held, on a chilly but dry day. We’ve been building up to this all year and now the day has finally arrived and over the course of the day it’ll be determined who’ll be walking away with the prizes on offer”….This is how the commentators would have started the day if they had asked me for the script, I swear.
Well as it turned out it was the ladies of Sportsworld who did us all proud coming away with a team silver in the masters event and a team bronze in the intermediate event, not to mention our very own Liam Lenehan capping off a fantastic season winning his 3rd gold in the masters series, sweeping the board in the Dublin, Leinster and finally the national xc event. Lucy won gold for the Dublin team, Noreen won an individual silver medal, and did I mention that I improved my place from previous years coming 6th overall in my age category. Well there you go, a successful day for Sportsworld.
Most of us travelled down from Dublin the day before, staying overnight in Westport, soaking up the atmosphere. While watching the rugby in the pub on the Saturday I overheard the locals talking about the upcoming event the next day and they weren’t just talking about the Irish rugby team…..the excitement was heavy in the air, like fresh mist on a crisp morning. We gathered in the Wyatt for a jovial evening dinner the night before, followed by a quick pint in the local just to take the edge off, well myself, Liam and Brian.
Next day we were all up for breakfast and discussing the day’s events ahead of us, looking forward to competing for our club on the main stage. Afterwards we headed for Westport house where the organisers had the course laid out for us, ensuring it was both memorable and challenging and yes there was plenty of mud. Gareth arrived up from Limerick in good spirits as the team assembled and got ready for action. Up first was the ladies’ masters team comprising of Noreen, Aoife, Crona, Lorna, Caroline and Lucy……along with Liam in the over 65’s event. And off they went at the sound of the starter gun, like true athletes, into the midst of it all and for the next 15-20mins battling it out to do us proud. And indeed they did bringing home some silver wear in the process and need I mention what a great result for Liam.
Up next was us, the master men. The nerves were there for all to see, we knew we had a job to do. Today it was the turn of Gareth, Gavin, Padraig, Brian and me running in this auspicious occasion. We waited with baited breadth for the starter gun to go off, looking ahead at the expansive course ahead of us knowing we had a challenge on our hands. There were up hills, there were downhills, there were tight turns, there were chicanes and most of all, there was mud, oh yes, how we love the mud. Bang and we’re off. A stampede of bodies everywhere, running like we were running for their lives. This is where the jostling for positions begins as the hoard of about 160 runners tries to settle into the race that’s been on their minds for the last 24hrs. Deep gasps of air are inhaled as their bodies try to grasp what the heck is going on, from zero to 60 in 0.04 seconds….well it kind of feels like that.
Gareth and I were neck and neck for most of the race, which is always good to see a familiar face amongst the many combatants, as we aim to work together throughout the race, gaining positions as we go. As always, a special thanks to our clubmates in the crowd including Emily, Myles, Anthony et all shouting and encouraging us along as we traverse the course. It was a 7km course with a nice sharp hill to ascend towards the end of each lap, along with a lovely section of mud that even the people of Rotorua NZ would be proud of. But in the end, we prevailed, and our team came a respectful 12th overall.
Last but not least was our intermediate ladies’ team. Having finished my own race, it was great to be able to relax and enjoy this one, shouting and encouraging the team along, as they weaved their way along this course, finishing with a bronze medal no less. Some fantastic running from everyone on the team and a huge effort as they fought to make a mark for our club in this race. Everyone ran hard, were very focused and gave it there all. Elaine Kennedy looked very comfortable out front, with Kate Burke running a stormer as she gets stronger and stronger with each race. Lorna was 3rd from the team to come across the line, followed closely by Rachel, Michelle and Katie.
So that’s it folks, another season over and I know ye all wait with baited breadth for what the rest of the year has ahead of us. Well done to everyone who ran throughout the xc season and I know there will be plenty more to come from this great bunch.
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