Race Report Joanna Power

On the 9th February, Dublin Frontrunners hosted the third Meet & Train of the 2024/25 season at Marino Institute. The day was clear and a bit cold. I ran my first cross-country race since the ‘90s in January at the DSD campus, and was regrettably cavalier about checking out the course. Why would I want to do that?! I thought. Sure I’ll just see how it goes! Remorse. So this time around I very much wanted to see where we’d be running. We did a warmup lap and found the course to be fairly flat and dry. For some strange reason I kept saying, “looks much easier than last time”. More remorse.

After a few strides we started off. The Marino route begins with a small hill which at warmup was absolutely fine but after everyone had warmed up on it had become very muddy – and we had our first fall of the race (not mine, but I’d say i was not too far off). Other than the hill and another dodgy spot, the course was great. Feeling absolutely on top of the world I ignored literally all of the advice I’d been given and set off fast. I was flying! Until around the end of the first lap, when I started to feel it…I lost a lot of ground and had to really push to keep going. AnnMarie’s support on the course was invaluable as was that of the other runners – everyone has such encouraging words for each other (I’d relay them but there were too many curse-words). Shauna O’Callaghan was the first Sportsworld lady home.

By the final lap I was held together with twine but I saw AnnMarie and mustered up enough energy/pride to pass a few runners in the final push before stumbling home. In an indecent amount of time we’d forgotten all the agony and had a lovely cooldown lap before heading into the hall to enjoy the spread. It was impressive – so much so that we were given doggy bags. I got some more good advice from the wonderful ladies in the club about pacing and I have convinced myself that I learned a lot that I can implement at the next Meet and Train. You underestimate cross-country at your own peril – it is so different to road racing. Cross-country is an absolute shock to the system but (coupled with the sheer volume of baked goods you get afterwards) strangely addictive!

The Third Meet and Train was held out in Marino which was a new destination with a new club The Dublin Front runners being the hosts. The women’s meet and train is a great way of being a part of a team and such a friendly environment and I personally love being a part of it.

We all gathered in the Hall of Marino College were we could see the goodies we would be receiving when we finished the Race which was a spread laid out for Queens so Fair Play to the Dublin Front Runners for all the Homemade baking and doggie bags we all received We welcome you with Open arms and we have a lot to live up to for our next Hosting – I better mention something about the race!

The course itself was 3.1km which was 3 big laps and 2 small laps it was flat and apart from a tiny hill well maybe a little bump but felt like a hill!! I had a new tactic for this race, and it was Go With them from the start hard and see how long I can stay with them – Well how did that work out , it didn’t! I died a death 1 lap in, so my focus was just not to stop and get to the finish.

Team A didn’t have a full team unfortunately but had two great runners running Sinead and Jean – Jean was told by her watch just before the start of the race to go have a nap but ran an absolute blinder of a race so Well Done you and don’t be listening to that watch!!

Team B had a full house with Shauna leading the charge and was in flying form, Lisa, and Olive both had superb runs – I always joke that these pair of dossers are way too nice to themselves at training but on race day they pull it out of the bag so Fair play ladies.

No Notions Val was up next who was looking for her passport before we left for The North Side this morning – Val has come back into form and great to see her back race fit! The Killer Bs are on a mission for some silverware!

Team C had 3 runners – Bronwyn was in 1st for Team C, and you always know when Bronwyn is doing her kick back flicks, she is having a good day so well-done misses, Light and flighty Noelle is becoming a XC specialist and glided past me like a Gazelle and had a super race. Positivity Anne had a great run and delighted to have it all done and dusted.

Team D was Ann Maria ,Darina ,Anne, Regina, and Caroline who all had great runs – Darina for Team captain here!

Team E was Joanna, Marion, Emily and Jessica and I think it might be their first time to compete in the Meet and Train series of races so Well done it’s great to have you all as part of the team.

Overall, it was such a lovely morning with a lovely bunch of ladies, and I would really encourage any newbies to get involved next year as it’s a great way to get to know your running, Buddies!

I want to say a massive Thank you to Annmarie for all her support and encouragement throughout the Meet and Train and all the organising you do behind the scenes to ensure that our teams are at the start line.