Damian one of the top masters runners in the club over the past 5 years has taken up the Ultra challenge. Read more about the Trans Gran Canaria that himself and Oliver are doing below.
What is your favorite Club Session?
I don’t have the Natural Speed for the shorter sessions, so it would have to be the Tesco Lap in the winter and the Thursday Night Fartlek Session in the Summer time.
What is your favorite distance?
I don’t really have a favorite distance as such, but if I was pushed I would say 10mile or ½ Marathon.
What is your favorite meal before a big race?
Normally I would have something really light such as a poached or scrambled egg on toast.
My favourite place to train?
A two hour plus run in the Dublin or Wicklow Mountains early on a Sunday Morning. We are very lucky living in Dublin having the Phoenix Park, the Sea and the Mountains all within a 20 minute drive from most of our doors. I was only up in Cruagh Woods on Sunday Morning with Oliver and within the space of 5 minutes I saw four wild baby deer leaping of the heather and a red squirrel running up a tree. Magic!
What is your target for next year?
The 84km advanced Trans Gran Canaria on the 5th March with Oliver oh why did I sign up for that!
Then after that get back to shorter faster runs. I might try a marathon in the Autumn as I would love to do a Sub 2:50 but I don’t think my legs are made to go the full 26 miles a pace but maybe one more go.
What is your best Sportsworld memory?
Coming third place in the Wicklow Way Relay this year with the Sportsworld team. A great day out in the hills with team mates.
What International events have you run?
The Marvejols Mende 22.5KM Road Race over the Hills in the South of France. It is my good Friend Oliver’s Hometown Race. It is a Tough Race but a Top Class Race and it attracts a Top Class Field with some Kenyans and Ethiopians in the Field with PB of 61Mns for the Half Marathon. Recently the Giants Causeway Marathon and the Mourne Skyline run which has 11 Peaks. 35km and 3 250m of Climbing, well it was more of a Hike than a run.
What do you like doing when you are not running.
I like to relax with my wife and 3 girls and then maybe chill out with a few Ales at the weekend. I also like to a bit of cooking on the weekends.
Tell us about your PBs
5km 16.42 10km 34.50 10 mile 57.07 ½ Marathon 76.30 Marathon 2. 50.30
How often do you run, typical weekend millage?
I run 5 to 6 days a week with always taking Friday off. At the moment with training for the Canaries I am running around 70 to 80miles a week.
What is the best thing about being in a running Club?
It’s great having people pushing you on in the speed Sessions, and when there are nights when you are not in the humor of training, being in a club gives you the push to get out and run.
What made you join a running a Club?
Around 8 years ago I was doing around 30 Mountain Races a year. So I decided I needed more speed so I joined Sportsworld for that reason, but I soon discovered that I was a better runner on the flat rather than on the hills.
What was your first day at the Club like?
It was nerve wrecking, but once the first Session was out of the way it was grand.
Why is running important to you?
It clears the head after a hard days work and any problems that you had are soon forgotten. Also I can eat more as I do like my food and a few beers.
Is there anything you would like to see more in the Club?
Some more Hill Sessions at the Hellfire Club and the Speed Sessions in the Waterworks.
Who is the person in the Club that inspires/drives you to run better?
Obviously Emily and Myles but also the encouragement I get from the Top Lads like Karol, Paul, Phil and Gareth.
Do you do the Cross Training?
A small bit on a Spinning Bike that I have at home, but I would like to do more cross training, but I think I would be getting divorce papers from my wife Carol.