Hot on the heels of Trevor we have an interview with Judith Lloyd who is still improving with an impressive run in last years Raheny 5.
When did you join Sportsworld?
Haven’t a clue, but it was about six months after Trevor – I think it was around 1998.
Where do you work?
Officially retired, but have still kept on the housework, and do voluntary work with St. Vincent de Paul.
What is your favourite club session?
Kiltipper (when I’m injury free!), and hills and sprints
What is your favourite meal before a big race?
Too nervous to eat anything on the rare occasions that I do a race. But I would have a glass of pure orange juice.
My Favourite place to train/compete is?
The Phoenix Park and the vineyards in France for training – and I’m not keen on competing – but the Raheny 5mile is not too bad.
What is your target for the next year?
To try and stay injury free. Hope to manage this by not trying to keep up with Trevor,but letting him go on ahead!
What is your best Sportsworld memory?
Winning my first ever prize for running – an age group category – in the Sportsworld 5 Mile Classic just before I officially joined the club.
What international events have you ran?
A couple of local races in France, with this year’s Paris to Versailles being the most recent.
What do you like doing when you don’t run?
How/When did you start your adventure with running?
For our 25th Wedding Anniversary, Trevor booked a trip for us to climb Kilimanjaro. As I had just stopped playing hockey, I decided that the only way to get fit was to take up gentle jogging……
Tell us about your PB’s / What is your biggest achievement?
Last Raheny 5 Mile, breaking 8 minute miles.
How often do you run / What is your typical weekly mileage?
I try to run five days a week, around 30 to 40 miles total.
What would you say is the best thing about being in a Running Club?
The camaraderie and encouragement
What made you join a Running Club?
As I said – getting fit for a wedding anniversary – and then I found it was a great way of keeping my head in order, so stuck with it.
What was your first day at the Club like?
So scary I can’t remember it. I was the only jogger – everyone else was a runner…
Why is running important to you?
Clears my head, uses up calories and allows me to eat what I want.
Who is the person in the club who inspires/drives to run better?
Do you do any cross training / other sports on a regular basis?
A four mile dog walk each day and when in France – distance swimming.