Full Name
Colum Roche
When did you join Sportsworld?
Nov 2018
Where do you work?
I recently moved to a new role as Head of Internal Audit for an Investment Management company. Before this I worked in Deloitte.
What is your favourite club session?
You can’t beat the summer speed sessions on the grass in Bushy with a mixture of 1600,800 and 400 metres!
What is your favourite race distance?
Thats a tough one. I’ve tried them all apart from sprints. I’d say 5km is my most tried and tested but I enjoy a good half marathon too!
What is your favourite meal before a big race?
Carb overloading on some pasta.
My Favourite place to train
I’m originally from Kilkenny so I do always love going back doing some sessions around my parents house in Stoneyford. I always knew there was hills surrounding me but its not until this 2km radius came in that I noticed they are in every possible direction! Because of this I feel sessions at home make it a lot easier when I go back to some flat ground!
What’s your favourite race?
Probably the Dublin City Marathon. I’ve done it twice now and I haven’t been able to recreate that buzz anywhere else!
What is your target for the next year?
Well originally I had set my target at some 5k, 10k or half pbs as I was due to get married in May this year. I had picked up a vibe from my fiancé, Claire that her having to listen to me go on about my training for another marathon in the year of our wedding mightn’t be a good idea! Unfortunately our wedding got pushed back a year because of the current lockdown and my training has ramped up so I’m thinking I might a marathon in the autumn..assuming they happen!
What international events have you ran?
I actually have never done a race abroad which is odd because I have been to a lot of places! Better put that on the bucket list!
Where’s the most interesting place you have run?
I always love going for a run when I am abroad and getting the location tagged on my Garmin. This year I got the chance to run around the old city of Jerusalem which was very cool but I think overall its probably the Great Wall of China. I went on a tour there and once I got up the wall I realised it would be a prime place for a challenging run. I wasn’t that well prepared but I got about 4km in and definitely want to go back and do it properly! Maybe that Great Wall Marathon (don’t tell Claire!)
Where’s the most interesting place you’ve been? (Doesn’t have to be running related)
China. Its a world apart from normality but it was amazing to see!
What do you like doing when you don’t run? (hobbies/past times)
I love to watch sport and head to games when I can. On the soccer side I follow Liverpool and my second team Sheffield Wednesday (inherited from my Dad). Love a good hurling game too be it Kilkenny or following the club championship. Other than that I like to hangout with friends and family.
How/When did you start your adventure with running?
Mid 2012. I took it up to relieve some stress and help my mental health. Its one of the best things I ever did and I really find when you run it allows you to completely tune out of the day to day!
Tell us about your PB’s / What is your biggest achievement?
5km: 18.53 (RAS UCD 2019)
10km: 42.30 (Stoneyford 10k, 2018))
Half: 1.33 (Cork Half Marathon 2019)
Marathon: 3.34 (Dublin Marathon 2019)
3 of these were last year in my first full year in Sportsworld!

What is your biggest non-running related achievement?
Does getting a silver medal in the 2nd class 100m sports day count? If not, I guess I feel I’ve achieved a lot in my career in the past few years.
How often do you run / What is your typical weekly mileage?
3-4 times a week ranging from 25-45km generally..maybe a bit more around marathon season
What motivates you? Running or otherwise
I just really enjoy it and I feel it keeps me physically and mentally healthy!
What would you say is the best thing about being in a Running Club?
Definitely the group training. They motivate you to keep going even though in normal circumstances you’d give up a long time before!
What made you join a Running Club?
I didnt feel I was meeting my potential and just wanted to try something different. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to not being in a club.
Why is running important to you?
To clear my head and keep me healthy!
Is there anything you would like to see more of or less of at the Club?
Maybe some more internal competitions!
Who is the person in the club who inspires/drives to run better?
I joined the club the same time as Cian Buckley and are (of were!) about the same level. He has been able to drive on and get some really good PBs so I want to try keep the pace. I will also say that I had become accustomed to following Padraig Looby and hanging on to his pace at all costs. Its definitely made me a stronger runner!
Do you do any cross training / other sports on a regular basis?
I do the gym a bit.. every now and then.
Tell us something that no one in the club knows about you!?
Before my parents met, my father was a priest and my mother was a nun. They both then left their orders and got married and the rest is history!

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