Report by Maria Jones
The bank holiday had arrived at last. First stop for Sportsworld was Tyrellspass Co. Westmeath. Our 2nd day out in this years Cross Country Season. Leinsters here we come. As a Tipp girl this was a sentence I had never expected to be saying.
We had an early start meeting at the clubhouse to car pool for the journey.
We arrived at Tyrellspass Golf Course shortly after 12. The sun was shining…..we were spoilt yet again!! And they even had toilets this time…very impressive.
The good news travelled fast….Eoin O’Brien would not be attending…we were safe from his camera lens!
Race reporter Maria (5045) being told the good news
With an expected 1.15 start for the ladies race we promptly started our warm up. The course looked good, 4km-1 short lap and 2long…just like our day out in Phoneix Park in the Dublin Novice earlier this month…so nothing to fear. A few extra hills and slanted runways were thrown in for extra fun.
Emily was buzzing around the place…in anticipation for her golden girls to bring home the gold again. Catherine and Shona were running late…the nerves were building+tensions were high as we warmed up for the umptienth time…the 2girls finally arrived ready for action…phew and we headed for the start line. 2.15 the gun went off…here we go again.
Noreen was straight out of the blocks running her usual speedy self,battling hard to lead us around the course. She went head to head to the finish line to secure the bronze medal. The compitition going on behind her was fierce. Shone and Sinead (running her first race with the club) were neck and neck finishing in 10th+11th position…followed very closely behind them was Catherine B in 15th place….very little between all 3girls. I was still making my away around the course coming in next,along with Kate,Patrivia and Katie (also running her first cross country race). Great running done by all girls.
The minute I saw the smile on Emilys face I knew the girls had done it again. The gold was theirs. With a total of 39 points they were a full 45points clear of Thllamore Harriers AC in 2nd place…a phenomenal achievement….Nationals here they come…Emily has her eyes clearly set on the Gold for Dec 11th!!!!
Noreen and Shona also secured gold medals scoring on the Dublin County team. Not a bad days work.
It was another great day out for the club with lots of support along the course from the lads who were running after us,all the club members that travelled and even a few parents to fly the Sportsworld flag. The support really does nake it that much easier to get around the course. So thank you everyone.
Just a special mention to Helen, Catherine M and Margaret who were sick/injured and couldn’t compete on the day. We missed you girls but looking forward to having ye back the next day 🙂
Report by Justin McKeever
The marathon might be the main attraction this weekend, but there were still some fierce battles and super performances in the leinster novice xc. Some people say that the Dublin races would attract the higher standard runners, but there was both quality and quantity in the leinster novice this year.
The race was held in a fabulous setting at Tyrrellspass golf club, Westmeath – an hour west from Dublin. The weather conditions were perfect – can anyone remember an autumn as fine as this one has been? A recce of the course for the warmup, the going was good to firm and we could see there would be a few testing ups and downs – especially after a couple of laps.
Damian Kelly in action
After all the junior races were over and Captain Paul’s rousing team talk to get us focussed on the race, 100 ladies took to the start. The sportsworld women ran fantastic races, winning team gold by a clear margin. Noreen and Shona got gold for the Dublin team and Noreen also picked up a bronze for 3rd overall. A tough act for the lads to follow.
A few last strides and then we lined up, 150 lads chomping at the bit, pausing only briefly to search for some lad from Naas who must have had 2nd thoughts. Then we were off and the trail quickly narrowed at the first lefthander, the usual elbows out and trying to get a good position. Conor and Stephen had led out strong and were moving up well, with a few of us exchanging places not far back. The field had started at a good clip, so inevitably there were runners to be picked off as we went through the laps. Some super racing from the team and it was great to see everyone giving it their all right to the finish line. There were a good few places gained by most of us in that last 200 metres.
Well done to both teams!
Report By Derek Saville
The Leinster Novice race took place on Saturday 29th October in the grounds of the New Forest Golf Club in Tyrrelspass, Westmeath. I think we all It was a cracking spot for a cross country race. Us club runners know were we stand in the sports facilities pecking order and we don’t ask for much. We have been to those random farmer’s field mud baths and tried to get caked mud off in cold streams. This was different. A clubhouse with lockers and showers. A cafe near the finish line and nice dry sod you could actually run on.
It is becoming a nice habit these days to watch our ladies kick ass during our warm up. Well done on your medal girls.
We had a decent team. Credit to everyone for making the journey and representing the club with their best efforts.
We had 4 laps of a mile loop. It had a main flat field and then detoured off with a sharp downhill and then a series of hills winding back up onto that start/finish field.
Conor set the pace for our team closely followed by Stephen and Justin. Sadinand and Damien battled it out a little bit behind. Myself, Diarmuid, David, Anthony and Denis made up the remainder of the team, all trying to pick off as many places as we could.
Personally I was very pleased with my run. I enjoy every aspect of cross country running, except the running part. I never seem to perform well. This time I felt I nailed it in terms of race strategy. A template I intend to follow going forward i.e run with discipline for the first half. stay comfortable and within myself and grow into the race.. mainly to ensure my race doesn’t end up being an absolute shit show. This happens surprisingly regularly. Then after half way, start to take some risks with level of effort and start to push it; Pick off some places and prepare for an all out effort for the final lap. I was delighted with my strong finish. I believe we placed tenth overall which is respectable.
I was soon brought down earth when I returned home with an extra spring in my step. “how did you do in your race” “very well actually” “where did you come?” “77th”. The long pause and baffled looks added a dose of reality I was until then, choosing to ignore.
Full Sportsworld Results
Womens 4k
3rd Noreen BROUDER 00:13:14 (Gold medal Dublin Team)
10 Shona KEANE 00:13:49 (Gold medal Dublin Team)
11 Sinead TANGNEY 00:13:49
15 Catherine BAMBRICK 00:13:59
42 Maria JONES 00:14:54
46 Kate KELLY 00:15:00
64 Patricia FITZSIMONS 00:15:26
89 Katie NUGENT 00:16:59
100 Deirdre O’CONNELL 01:03:52
Womens Team Results
1 Sportsworld A.C. 39
2 Tullamore Harriers A.C. 84
3 Dublin City Harriers 125
Mens 6k
44 Conor MCCARTHY 18:25
59 Stephen O’DONNELL 18:45
63 Justin MCKEEVER 168 18:51
75 Sadanand MAGEE 19:07
77 Derek SEVILLE 19:08
79 Damien KELLY 19:11
117 Diarmuid O’SULLEABHAIN 20:18
122 Anthony GILLEN 20:31
131 Denis MCCALL 20:53
138 Karl CHATTERTON 21:25
Mens Team Results
1 Crusaders A.C. 69
2 Raheny Shamrock A.C. 70
3 Mullingar Harriers A.C. 79
10 Sportsworld A.C. 241
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