Christmas seems a long time ago now but I still remember the unexpected gift of a 10 mile entry to Cobh in April. Some research on the race found the foreboding race logo ‘ Its hilly get over it’.
A continuing injury was preventing much training but the weekend trip away to Cork and Cobh was a good incentive to do some Cross Training. The race in picturesque Cobh is championed by one of Irelands Greatest runners Sonia O Sullivan. With Jarlath Regan teaming up with Sonia on his weekly podcasts this race was going to sell out will teams of runners from all over Ireland heading to the small historic town.

There is loads to see and do when arriving in Cork and thankfully storm Kathleen passed by without too much damage. A quick shopping, eating, sight seeing tour of Cork City and Cobh left not much to think about the race ahead. There was no ignoring the hills or the possible wind in the race. Best to concentrate on the course scenery and the chance to see Sonia during the race.

Four Sportsworlders lined up in the morning for the race. The race had several pacers for the race starting at 60minutes. The race starts at a community centre at the top of the town and finishes at the Sonia O Sullivan statue at the bottom of the town. Word of warning, its a tough walk from the finish line back to the start area to get to your car.

Gearoid Crowley set the pace with myself, Lorna and Tom running our own races. There were plenty of crowds out on the course and even an Ashling Murphy tribute band at mile 4.
The race was very well organised with water stops every 3 miles or so. The sun did come out and the water was needed. The race is through quiet country roads around Cobh and your not contending with traffic or busy junctions. Even with a sell out race you have plenty of space to set your own pace.
The course I think would be described as challenging. The downhills are steep so you don’t get much benefit and there are some long up hill drags.
Despite that I would have to recommend the race. If you want a fitness test or a challenging course for an upcoming half marathon then Cobh would be a good choice. The atmosphere is very good and the finisher’s cup harks back to the Ballycotton 10 mile cups. The race sells out a couple of months before the race date so if your looking for a trip away and a good 10 mile to train for then Cobh is a good bet.
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