Massive congratulations to Eoin Keith who finished 18th in the world and won the Irish Championship at the 24 Hour World Championships last week in Belfast!!!
Great running also by Claire Harrington in the open race to finish 64th and cover 119km!!!
A short note from Eoin on his great achievement:
Just to update you on a significant result for the club over the Weekend. I was taking part in the world 24 hour running championships in Belfast. These were also the World Masters 24 hours champions and the Irish 24 hours Championships.
I ran a total of 246.8 kilometers, which was a new 24 hour PB for me (I’d hazard a guess a club record too!)
It was enough to get me a position of 18th in the World championships. More significantly it was also enough (after a huge 3 way battle) to Win Gold in the Irish championships. And finally… I won a Bronze medal in the World Masters M45 category (a first medal win for any Irish person in an international 24 hour championship race).
Plenty of photos and links to results around on the event facebook page (

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