Last Sunday 11 Sportsworld runners decided to do a long run in the Wicklow mountains thanks to the inspiration of Maura Ginty. Leg 3 of the Wicklow Way Relay was decided on as you can park your cars in one place and run the entire leg and back without being too wrecked. 16km in total.

The run starts beside lough Tay and ends up at Old bridge near Roundwood. There is a good bit of downhill especially at the end so it makes sense to start at the end of the run and head to Lough Tay. This way you do the hard work on the hills at the start so on the way back when you are more tired its mostly downhill.

This leg has everything, road, fences to jump, grass, fire roads and boardwalk. The boardwalks are pretty slippy so you shouldn’t do the runs on your own as there is very little phone coverage and easy to fall.

It is important to take a bit of food and water with you and an extra layer just encase the weather changes. You can take the food part a bit too far though, Emmet.

We should be doing some more recce runs if people want to join in. It is enjoyable and the pace is easy enough with plenty of stops and coffee after. Wicklow way is only down the road and very accessible and underused.
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