Report by Sandra Kelly
Photos by Sandra Kelly, Conor Kenny and Eoin O’Brien. Full facebook album (Click here)
Full Sportsworld results below.
As I was very politely volunteered to write today’s report here goes ……
Race Reporter Sandra in action
There was a great Sportsworld turnout for the Annual St. Paddys Festival 5k race 2016. The conditions couldn’t have been better, dry, crisp, bright, little wind.
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Karol on his way to finishing 11th overall and Helen was the 5th Senior Female!
There was a real buzz in the round room of the mansion house at registration with lots of club runners coming and going! My attendance has been pretty poor in the race events this year so I decided this would be a good one to get me going and so it proved to be. I’d heard it was a relatively flat course and a good one to get a PB on so that was the aim.
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A couple of us warmed up with a lap of the outer Stephens Green loop and then more of us got together for a few obligatory strides alongside the ducks.
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The route took in Stephen’s Green, Merrion Row, Baggot St., Fitzwilliam Square, Leeson St. Bridge, Adelaide Road, Earlsfort Terrace and back to Stephen’s Green.
In my short race going career I’ve usually started conservatively, so decided to give it a bit of welly this time and as I started off relatively fast I saw Conor and Gemma up ahead and thought I’d follow them. I felt it by the 3k mark. I continued on as best I could but they were moving further away until I could just about see them in the distance.
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Eileen stopped to tie her lace at one stage and rub her leg another time yet always seemed to be ahead of me again! It was great to run around the city streets for a change rather than trekking out to the Phoenix Park and there was a great buzz around the place despite the roadwork’s on Dawson Street.
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It’s a great race to do, not too big or small and I did manage a PB of 23:45 (despite what the official results say). I’m going by my Garmin ………. Everyone did really well and there were several PBs achieved, most notably Gemma’s 22:58 which she Whats App’d me a photo of in case I got it wrong …..
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Some of us headed to Captain Americas afterwards for cheap cocktails (No alcohol was involved I promise), although I’m swigging on a glass of well deserved Red Wine as I write this …….
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We had 22 or so club runners today with fantastic results! Well done everyone ! Oh and thanks to Eoin for taking the time to come by and snap us in mid race looking the worse for wear to say the least ….. (us I mean not Eoin)
Full Sportsworld results:
11 Karol CRONIN 00:15:41
40 Karl CHATTERTON 00:16:46
51 Kevin CURRAN 00:17:07
89 Paul O’BEIRNE 00:17:58
96 Helen BROUDER 00:18:08 – 5th Senior Female
103 Conor KEATING 00:18:14
125 Will GREENSMYTH 00:18:43
130 Noel TOBIN 00:18:49 – 3rd in age category
132 Jim BROWNE 00:18:52
151 Declan BRADY 00:19:37
156 John FLAHERTY 00:19:50
214 Stephen WILLOUGHBY 00:20:46
287 Enda MCMORROW 00:22:10
288 Killian MCMORROW 00:22:11 – 2nd in age category
302 Breda BROWNE 00:22:23 – 3rd in age category
320 Claire ROWLEY 00:22:38
340 Conor KENNY 00:23:06
341 Gemma WHITE 00:23:07
360 Eileen ROWLAND 00:23:29
386 Sandra KELLY 00:23:47
459 Padraig MOOREHOUSE 00:24:46
482 Audrai O’DRISCOLL 00:25:04
609 Denis MC 00:26:52
666 Siobhan O’DRISCOLL 00:27:06
Full results:
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