From Track Racing 2009

Aoifa Brady, a name to watch out for in the not to distant future. 1 of only 2 representative from Sportsworld to race in these prestiege championships. Saturday evening, 4:25pm National 5k on next, Aoife takes her place on that start line,she looks great,like she belongs. Bang, there goes the gun & there goes the girls,12.5 gruelling laps with a stronge enough wind in your face every time that home straight was hit.

Linda Byrne & Rosmary Ryan were gone from the gun,it was clear from the start it was a 2 horse race between them, how-ever the race for bronze was there for who-ever was hungry enough to go for it. Aoife ran a very sensible race, she knew what she had to do. Staying tucked in the middle of the pack until it was time to go. 10.5 laps gone, 2laps left, 3rd place still up for grabs, just like changing gears in your car,Aoife change her gear fron 3rd to 4th,a gap was opened immediately,600mts still to race & off she goes,from 4th to 5th gear,that was it there was no catching her now. The sound of the bell…1 more lap,arms in full swing,legs in full stride,the field was broken.Aoife went on to clain a very fine National bronze medal in an excellent time of 17mins 38 behind 1st place Linda & 2nd place Rosemary.

Sunday afternoon, 4:05pm, not as windy today, but still a wind none the less, time for Aoife to take her place on the track once again,this time accompanied by her sister & club/team-mate Crona. The 2 girls on the line side by side with some top athletes. The’re off for a very fast 3 & 3/4 laps on a sunny & breezy afternoon of day 2. Although battle ensued between the 1st 3 athletes Deidre Byrne,Roisin McGettigan & Kelly Mc Niece, Aoife hung in for a very good 4th place fininsh. Crona ran with great confidence to notch up a season’s best & a peronal best time of 4min 46 on her debut to this national senior event. Now she has a taste of what its like she could be a name & face to watch for next season.

Well done both of you on very fine performances.

Race Report By
Lucy Darcy

Photos By
Gareth Murran