Race Reports by Aileen Melody and Alan Hynes
Photos by Conor Kenny and Joe Byrne. For the full gallery on Facebook: Click here
Full Sportsworld results at bottom.
Report by Aileen Melody
Leinster Masters Women
Gold medalist race reporter!
Sunday 15th January 2017 exactly one week after the Dublin Masters Cross Country Championships, the Sportsworld Masters Teams set off again this time to the Leinster Masters . It was taking place along with the Leinster Intermediate Cross Country Championships. The venue was Cows Field Dunboyne. I am not joking that’s what it was called and I think the only other frequenters of the field besides us cross country runners are cows judging by the underfoot conditions!
The magnificent seven
While warming up we watched the future of cross country running from around the province take part in some cross country relays. The announcer on the Public Address System made regular announcements that the programme of races were all going to schedule and five minutes before the start he asked “ Would all the auld ladies make their way to the start” That’s what he said! I checked it afterwards in case this auld wan was hearing things!!! As you can see it was all very good humoured and at ten to one the masters women started off on a tough 2 lap course which wound itself up and down the fields. The underfoot conditions were a bit better than expected but it definitely was very different than running in the parks!
In the first lap I tried to run steady and hold my place as much as I could and found I felt a lot more comfortable running than I did last week. The course is fairly flat but was a very windy course with a lot of twists and turns and very rough grass underfoot so when making some of the turns and trying to keep in the good ground there were a few skirmishes with a few elbows !!
No one told me this was a contact sport!! Into the second lap Sandra came up beside me and gave me a roar of encouragement as she ran past me. It was what I needed and I went after her and we managed to work together and pick off a few but Sandra pulled away from me in the last 300 meters and finished strong but I think thanks to that roar and us battling I managed to get a bronze medal in my age category so thanks Sandra!
Everyone on the teams had great runs and finished strong and a big congratulations to Ruth Kelly who also got bronze in her age category and bronze on the Dublin team.
Can I also say a big thanks to Emily and Myles for all the encouragement and coaching and cajoling getting all the teams on the line. Also a huge thanks to all our supporters who travelled on the day and were at every turn and twist of the course to shout us on with the rest of the teams waiting for their races. A big thanks to Ann, Joe, Conor, Dave and Nick. If I have missed someone out I am sorry.
Leinster Intermediate Women
With the two Masters races out of the way the Intermediate women lined up and Sports world had a team of 4 on the start line.
The fantasic four
Right from the start of the race Sportsworld were in the mix with Sinead Tangey leading out a group that included Helen & Noreen Brouder and some stiff completion from a runner from Dunboyne.
With hopes of can she do it? Or fears of has she gone out too fast? We watched as they came around to go into the 2nd and final lap and Sinead was still just leading the group of now 3 of herself, Helen and the Dunboyne athlete. As Sinead went into the second lap she started to pull away and the excitement was something else among us as we watched her stretch the gap and we knew when she came into the finishing straight she wouldn’t be caught and Sinead became the 2017 Leinster Intermediate champion.
But the excitement wasn’t over yet! Helen and the athlete from Dunboyne had stuck together the whole of the 2nd lap and they turned into the finishing straight together and the excitement and roars as they ran up that finishing straight together who would do it and then it happened Helen pulled away and ran her heart out to the line to secure the silver medal. Well done also to the athlete from Dunboyne as she fought hard and deserved her bronze medal.
Could it get any better well Noreen and Maria battled in the pack that was following hard on the heels of the medal winners to finish 9th and 18th and secured Gold Medals so Sportsworld are the Leinster Intermediate Cross Country Champions 2017. Sinead and Helen also took Gold on the Dublin County Team.
What a day! J
Report by Alan Hynes
Race reporter Alan in action
So with Cross Country season upon us it would be rude not to give it a go. The Leinster Masters Cross country in cow field (suitably named) Dunboyne was the venue.
The dirty dozen
My first Cross Country race in a long long time didnt phase me as I had obviously forgotten how tough they can be. Armed with a lot of great advice from my club mates it was only charging into the first corner I got a reminder of my favourite part of this type of racing, the argie bargie elbows out, all fighting for the same six inch bit of ground (great stuff).
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Sportsworld Results
Intermediate Women
1st Sinead TANGNEY 00:15:26 (Race winner, club team and Dublin Team gold medals!)
2nd Helen BROUDER 00:15:47 (2nd overall and club team and Dublin Team gold medals!)
9th Noreen BROUDER 00:16:30 (Club team gold medal!)
18th Maria JONES 00:17:19 (Club team gold medal!)
Intermediate Women Team Results
1st Sportsworld RC 30
2 Dunboyne A.C. 41
3 Crusaders AC 63
4 Tullamore Harriers A.C. 70
5 Liffey Valley A.C. 87
Intermediate Men
17 Kevin CURRAN 00:30:01
19 Conor MCCARTHY 00:30:12
24 Sadanand MCGEE 00:30:40
29 Karl CHATTERTON 00:31:06
37 Diarmuid O’SUILLEABHAIN 00:32:46
Intermediate Men Team Results
1 Celbridge A.C. 18
2 Tullamore Harriers A.C. 38
3 Raheny Shamrock A.C. 57
4 Liffey Valley A.C. 74
5 Sportsworld RC 89
6 Civil Service A.C. 96
Masters Women
6th Ruth KELLY 00:15:56 (Bronze medal in age category and Dublin Team!)
21 Stephanie BERGIN 00:17:19
31 Anna DELANEY 00:17:50
52 Sandra GOWRAN 00:19:27
57 Aileen MELODY 00:19:39 (Bronze medal in age category)
64 Eileen ROWLAND 00:20:09
69 Audrai O’DRISCOLL 00:21:27
Masters Women Team Results
1st Tullamore Harriers A.C. 32
2 Drogheda & District A.C. 43
3 Sli Cualann 49
4 St. L. O’Toole A.C. 49
5 Sportsworld RC 54
6 Dunboyne A.C. 77
7 Donore Harriers 80
8 Raheny Shamrock A.C. 95
9 Balbriggan & District Ac 99
10 Mullingar Harriers A.C. 121
Masters Women Team O50 Results
1st Mullingar Harriers A.C. O/50 16
2 North East Runners Ac O/50 34
3 Tullamore Harriers A.C. 36
4 Sportsworld Rc O/50 44
Masters Men 6k
18th Gareth MURRAN 00:21:24
41 Phil KILGANNON0 0:22:08
56 Michael CUNNINGHAM 00:22:52
61 Justin MCKEEVER00:23:03
88 Anthony GILLEN00:24:00
99 Denis MCCAUL00:24:36
106 Johnny DWYER00:25:03
119 Alan HYNES00:25:34
129 Peter KNAGGS00:26:19
135 Jose CHAPA00:26:46
136 Brian CONWAY00:26:47
141 Noel LYNAM00:27:35
144 Adrian LANIGAN00:27:59
145 Aidan CURRAN00:28:05
Masters Men Team Results
1st Raheny Shamrock A.C. 33
2 Poartlaosie A.C 63
3 Ferbane A.C. 64
4 Donore Harriers M35a 87
5 Newbridge Athletic Club 93
6 Sli Cualann 181
7 Mullingar Harriers A.C. 181
8 Sportsworld 1 181
9 Dunboyne A.C. 214
10 Tullamore Harriers A.C. 230
11 Metro/St. Brigid’s A.C. 233
12 Balbriggan & District Ac 240
13 Lucan Harriers 246
14 Sportsworld 2 342
15 Navan A.C. 402
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