An ode to XC
It was the night before Halloween
When all were asleep
My eyes are open, my mind still awake
Cross country is upon us, the seniors no less
A 10k is a beckoning, and my hair is a mess
With a venue named Trinity, my prayers begun
As I head for the start line, the cries are rung
“Run, run, run” said the voice in my head
But boy oh boy my legs feel so dead
5 races in 5 weeks could be the answer
Yet the shouts from the sideline, made me run faster
Around and around the merry field we went
Until the line we crossed and our energies spent
A team of warriors, our sportsworld hero’s
A team of supporters, our sportsworld crusaders
After all is said and done
I’m glad for this race that I’ve just run
For those who fear the rain and the muck
Don’t worry at all, we’ll not see you stuck
Come one, come many and join in the fun
Cross country is calling, it’s time to run
Authors Note:
Well done to Lisa for championing sportsworld in the women’s race and to all on the men’s team including Gareth, Gavin, Karol, Michael, Conor and Brian for battling through the somewhat mucky terrain and strong competitive field of athletes. Also a big thank you to all who came out to support including Paul, Emily, Myles et all and even those from other clubs were shouting us on.
The results can be found at the below link

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